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J_JTC_2018A 01/26/2018 01:12:15 PM Committee Summary

Date 01/26/2018
Pabon *
Tate X
Thurlow X
Williams A. E
Martinez Humenik X
Singer X
Time 01:12:15 PM to 03:25:48 PM
Place SCR 352
This Meeting was called to order by Singer
This Report was prepared by Katie Ruedebusch
Hearing Items Action Taken
Colorado Community College System Committee Discussion Only
Governor's Office of eHealth Innovation Committee Discussion Only
Department of Public Health and Environment Committee Discussion Only
Governor's Office of Information Technology Committee Discussion Only
Government Data Advisory Board Office of Legislative Legal Services to draft a bill regarding the continuance the Government Data Advisory Board as presented by the Governor's Office of Information Technology.
Potential Legislation Committee Discussion Only

01:12:17 PM
Representative Singer called the meeting to order. A quorum was present.

Colorado Community College System - Committee Discussion Only

01:13:04 PM  

Dr. Lance Bolton, representing Pikes Peak Community College (PPCC), came to the table to discuss the college's FY 2018-19 information technology (IT) budget request. PPCC is requesting state funds for campus emergency notification and power systems. In response to a committee question, Dr. Bolton stated that the emergency notification system would be the project's top priority. He also spoke about the affordability issues associated with implementing a student technology fee.

01:20:46 PM  

Mr. Mike Kupcho and Mr. Chris Arcarese, representing the Community College of Denver (CCD), came to the table to discuss the college's FY 2018-19 IT budget request. CCD is requesting state funds to upgrade its network storage and virtual desktop and sever infrastructure.  In response to a committee question, Mr. Arcarese stated that virtual desktops are the college's top priority.  Mr. Kupcho, in response to a committee question, discussed CCD's fees.

01:32:49 PM  

Mr. Chad DeBono and Mr. Robert Vazquez, representing Lamar Community College (LCC), came to the table to discuss the college's FY 2018-19 IT budget request.  LCC is requesting state funds to upgrade its technology infrastructure.  In response to a committee question, Mr. DeBono stated that instructional technology is the highest funding priority for the school. Mr. Vazquez stated that LCC is working to align its strategic IT plan with the state's broadband plan.

01:43:42 PM  

Mr. Mark Allen and Mr. Patrick Malott, representing Otero Junior College (OJC), came to the table to discuss the college's FY 2018-19 IT budget request. OJC is requesting state funds to upgrade its technology communication infrastructure. Mr. Allen noted OJC had now secured funding for telephony devices, so funding for that component of the project is no longer neccessary.  Mr. Allen also noted that the OJC does now charge a student technology fee. In response to a committee question, Mr. Allen stated that the computer replacement component of the project is LCC's top priority.

01:52:31 PM  
Mr. Bryan Crawford, representing Pueblo Community College (PCC), came to the table to discuss the college's FY 2018-19 IT budget request. PCC is requesting state funds to enhance internal and perimeter security systems at its Pueblo, Fremont, and Mancos campuses. Mr. Crawford noted that PCC now has a student technology and it will be implemented in the fall of 2018.
02:01:01 PM  

Mr. Doug Bak and Ms. Lorrie Velasquez, representing Trinidad State Junior College (TSJC), came to the table to discuss the college's FY 2018-19 IT budget request. TSJC is requesting state funds to improve its instructional and academic support activities. Ms. Velasquez stated that grant funding issues led to this budget request. She also stated that TSJC instituted a student technology fee this year.  Mr. Bak stated that disaster recovery is TSJC's top priority.

Governor's Office of eHealth Innovation - Committee Discussion Only

02:07:42 PM  

Ms. Mary Ann Leach and Ms. Carrie Paykoc, representing the Governor's Office of eHealth Innovation (OeHI), came to the table to discuss the office's FY 2018-19 IT budget request. OeHI is requesting a combination of state funds and federal funds spending authority for the first phase of a four-phase project to implement nine initiatives related to Colorado s Health IT Roadmap, including health delivery reform, payment reform, improvements to care coordination, cost reductions, and health care value improvements.  They distributed a copy of their presentation [Attachment A] and a copy of Colorado's Health IT roadmap [Attachment B].


Attachment B

02:12:54 PM  
Ms. Leach continued by introducing the roadmap and discussing the nine initiatives in the project. She noted that the funding for this project comes from a 90/10 match in federal funds.
02:19:44 PM  

Ms. Paykoc continued by providing a personal example of the how the nine initiatives would benefit Colorado's citizens. In response to committee questions, Ms. Leach discussed how the office conducts cost-benefit analysis and that each project benchmark will include a value benefit statistic. In response to a committee question, Ms. Leach discussed the two state health information exchanges.

Department of Public Health and Environment - Committee Discussion Only

02:40:33 PM  
Dr. Chris Wells, representing the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), came to the table to discuss the department's FY 2018-19 IT budget request. CDPHE is requesting a combination of state and cash funds spending authority to implement a new electronic birth registration system. Dr. Wells noted that the cost of birth certificates will increase by $7 during the life of the project. In response to a committee question, Dr. Wells discussed the department's procurement and project management processes.

Governor's Office of Information Technology - Committee Discussion Only

02:49:25 PM  
Mr. Don Wisdom, representing the Goveronor's Office of Information Technology (OIT), came to the table to discuss the department's FY 2018-19 IT budget request. OIT is requesting state funds for the first of a two-phase project to repair critical infrastructure at the Lakewood Data Center (LDC) and to improve its public cloud integration and security compliance. Mr. Wisdom distributed a copy of his presentation to the committee [Attachment C]. In response to a committee question, Mr. Wisdom discussed the activities of Phase I of the project.

Government Data Advisory Board - Office of Legislative Legal Services to draft a bill regarding the continuance the Government Data Advisory Board as presented by the Governor's Office of Information Technology.

02:57:33 PM  
Mr. Michael Shea, representing OIT, came to the table to discuss the Government Data Advisory Board. He answered several committee questions raised at the committee's meeting on January 19, 2018.
02:59:30 PM  

Mr. Jon Gottsegen, representing OIT, came to the table to update the committee on the Government Data Advisory Board's work. He distributed a copy of the board's annual report to the committee [Attachment D]. He continued by discussing data sharing and and the state's data governance. In response to a committee question, Mr. Gottsegen discussed the board's makeup and addressed questions regarding data collection.

03:21:30 PM  
Committee discussion regarding potential legislation ensued.

03:25:08 PM
Motion Office of Legislative Legal Services to draft a bill regarding the continuance the Government Data Advisory Board as presented by the Governor's Office of Information Technology.
Moved Pabon
Pabon Yes
Tate Yes
Thurlow Yes
Williams A. Excused
Martinez Humenik Yes
Singer Yes
Final YES: 5   NO: 0   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Potential Legislation - Committee Discussion Only

03:25:48 PM   Committee Adjourned

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