j_cdc_2017a_2017-10-17t11:00:52z1 Hearing Summary
Date: 10/17/2017
Location: SCR 352
Update on the Grand Junction Regional Center Campus
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11:06 AM -- Update on the Grand Junction Regional Center Campus
Reggie Bicha, Executive Director, Department of Human Services, presented an update on the Grand Junction Regional Center (GJRC) Campus closure and relocation pursuant to Senate Bill 16-178. Committee members received a copy of Mr. Bicha's presentation (Attachment A). Mr. Bicha provided an overview of the campus and answered questions about the unspent portion of the GJRC Transition Cash Fund. Mr. Bicha responded to a committee question regarding the GJRC Advisory Group. Committee members also received a letter from the advisory group (Attachment B). Mr. Bicha further discussed a recent emergency supplemental request approved by the Joint Budget Committee related to relocating some of the operations of the GJRC campus.
171017 AttachA.pdf
11:15 AM
Mr. Bicha discussed the department's decision to sell an existing group home and submitting a capital construction request to build four new group homes in the Grand Junction area. Mr. Bicha responded to a committee question regarding the potential to sell the existing group home. Sarah Wager, Director of the Office of Administrative Solutions, came to the table to respond to a committee question regarding specific costs associated with the recent emergency supplemental request. Mr. Bicha responded to additional committee questions related to the campus closure and relocation plan.
11:39 AM
Mr. Bicha responded to a committee question regarding the existing storage facilities on the campus.