j_cdc_2017a_2016-12-21t09:04:26z2 Hearing Summary
Date: 12/21/2016
Location: LSB B
Department of Personnel and Administration
Votes: View--> | Action Taken: |
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09:57 AM -- Department of Personnel and Administration
Mr. Lance Shepherd, Capitol Complex Architect, and Ms. June Taylor, Executive Director, Department of Personnel and Administration (DPA), presented the department's FY 2017-18 capital construction portfolio. Committee members received a fact sheet about the Replace/Restore Roof, State Capitol Building request (Attachment B). Ms. Taylor provided background on DPA's capital responsibilities, and discussed two projects that will renovate the State Capitol. Mr. Shepherd responded to questions regarding the timeline for the Restore Windows and Granite Exterior, State Capitol project.
161221 AttachB.pdf