j_cdc_2017a_2016-12-19t09:05:15z9 Hearing Summary
Date: 12/19/2016
Location: LSB B
Colorado Community College System
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01:23 PM -- Colorado Community College System
Dr. Nancy McCallin, System President, and Mark Superka, Vice President of Finance and Administration, both representing Colorado Community College System (CCCS) discussed the system's FY 2017-18 capital budget requests. Dr. McCallin thanked the committee and discussed recently constructed CCCS projects. She also gave an overview of CCCS' expenditures and revenue sources, as well as recent expenditures for controlled maintenance projects.
01:29 PM
Dr. Everette Freeman, President, and Duane Risse, Vice President of Administrative Services, both representing the Community College of Denver (CCD), came to the table to discuss CCD's FY 2017-18 capital budget request: Boulder Creek Building.
01:32 PM
Andy Dorsey, President, Front Range Community College (FRCC), came to the table to discuss FRCC's FY 2017-18 capital budget request: Health Care Career Center. President Dorsey responded to committee questions regarding staff and faculty at FRCC. Dr. McCallin discussed faculty compensation and adjunct faculty satisfaction surveys.
01:46 PM
Dr. Lance Bolton, President, Pikes Peak Community College (PPCC), came to the table to discuss PPCC's FY 2017-18 capital budget request: Student Learning Commons and Theater, Downtown Studio Campus.
01:50 PM
Dr. Patty Erjavec, President, and Jon Brude, Chief Business Officer, both representing Pueblo Community College (PCC), came to the table to discuss PCC's FY 2017-18 capital budget request: Weld Shop Renovation. Dr. Erjavec responded to committee questions regarding enrollment in the welding program. Dr. McCallin discussed career and technical education options at CCCS, as well as concurrent enrollment programs offered to high school students.
01:59 PM
Dr. McCallin and Dr. Erjavec responded to a committee question regarding apprenticeship programs.
02:01 PM
The committee recessed.
02:10 PM
The committee reconvened. Pat Malott, Vice President of Administrative Services, Otero Junior College (OJC), came to the table to discuss OJC's FY 2017-18 capital budget request: Agriculture Science Program Remodel. Mr. Malott discussed the agricultural programs at OJC, and its partnerships with other universities. Mr. Malott responded to a committee question regarding the student demographics at OJC.
02:18 PM
Chad DeBono, Vice President of Finance and Administration, Lamar Community College, came to the table to discuss LCC's FY 2017-18 capital budget request: Vocational Trades Building. Mr. DeBono responded to committee questions regarding current enrollment in LCC's vocational trades programs. Mr. Superka responded to a committee question regarding the prioritization of LCC's project by the Colorado Commission on Higher Education. Mr. DeBono reesponded to a committee question concerning job placement for the renewable energy program.