j_cdc_2017a_2016-12-19t09:05:15z6 Hearing Summary
Date: 12/19/2016
Location: LSB B
Fort Lewis College
Votes: View--> | Action Taken: |
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11:22 AM -- Fort Lewis College
Dr. Dene Kay Thomas, President, and Steve Schwartz, Vice President for Finance and Administration, both representing Fort Lewis College (FLC), presented one FY 2017-18 capital budget request. Committee members received a summary of the FLC presentation (Attachment F). President Thomas provided some general background information about FLC and its population and degree programs. She also spoke about the economic impact of the college on southwestern Colorado. She discussed the need for a new building and how controlled maintenance needs are addressed.
161219 AttachF.pdf
11:37 AM -- Mr. Schwartz spoke about the use of energy performance contracting to address deferred maintenance needs on campus. President Thomas continued her presentation with a discussion of the 2016 facility master plan.