j_cbac_2017a_2017-02-17t13:37:12z2 Hearing Summary
Date: 02/17/2017
Location: SCR 357
Governors' Portraits
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01:44 PM -- Governors' Portraits
Mr. Pechota updated the committee on the costs to restore the governors' portraits. He provided a handout detailing the estimates (Attachment A). Ms. Anderson and Ms. Contiguglia discussed the estimates.
Attachment A.pdf
Senator Grantham and Mr. Pechota discussed the unidentified portrait of a woman that was found with the collection.
Representative Lontine further discussed the estimates. Representative McNulty requested that the final frame estimate be provided as well and noted that the committee will need to decide whether to proceed with the restoration project.
Mr. Pechota offered to obtain a bid for moving and placing the portraits as well.