i_wmrc_2017a_2017-09-08t09:34:10z4 Hearing Summary
Date: 09/08/2017
Location: SCR 357
Peak 2 Fire in Summit County
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11:37 AM -- Peak 2 Fire in Summit County
Representative Hamner provided an overview of the Peak 2 Fire in Summit County.
11:38 AM -- Dan Gibbs, Summit County Commissioner, spoke on the partnerships in Summit County for fire mitigation and protection efforts. He provided a summary of the Peak 2 Fire, which started on U.S. Forest Service land on July 5, 2017 (Attachment A). Commissioner Gibbs said that the fire spread quickly due to wind changes. He provided an overview of the response and suppression effort. Commissioner Gibbs talked about a local tax to help with mitigation efforts.
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11:47 AM -- Sarah Thorsteinson, Summit Association of Realtors, provided a background of the association and the mitigation education efforts they are involved in. Ms. Thorsteinson spoke on a grant program to help homeowners establish defensible spaces on their property. She provided copies of a mail document (Attachment B) and an informational handout (Attachment C). She discussed the partnerships with other realtor associations.
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Ms. Thorsteinson answered questions from the committee about what the state can do to help realtor association programs.
11:57 AM
The committee recessed.