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I_TLRC_2021A 10/05/2021 08:40:36 AM Committee Summary

Date 10/05/2021
Boesenecker X
Catlin X
Coram X
Donovan X
Froelich X
Gray *
Hisey X
Hooton *
Pettersen E
Pico *
Rich *
Scott *
Sullivan X
Valdez D. *
Van Winkle *
Zenzinger X
Winter E
Exum X
Time 08:40:36 AM to 04:04:58 PM
Place Old State Library
This Meeting was called to order by Exum
This Report was prepared by Annie Kitch
Hearing Items Action Taken
Presentation from the Colorado Department of Transportation and the Transportation Commission Committee Discussion Only
Division of Motor Vehicles Update Committee Discussion Only
Presentation from the Department of Public Safety Committee Discussion Only
Hydrogen Development for ZEVs in Colorado Committee Discussion Only
Local Government Use of Federal Rescue Plan Funds Committee Discussion Only
North West Mayors and Commissioners Coalition Committee Discussion Only
Interim Bill Draft Approvals Committee Discussion Only

Presentation from the Colorado Department of Transportation and the Transportation Commission - Committee Discussion Only

08:42:26 AM  
Director Shoshana
Lew, Rebecca White, and Steve Harrelson, representing the Colorado Department
of Transportation (CDOT), reviewed how the department will use funding
from the Infrastructure and Jobs Act. The panelists discussed the criteria
for Multimodal Option Funds and the strategies to distribute the funds.
Director Lew  provided an overview on the project requirements listed
in Senate Bill 21-260 as well as the revenue impact of the bill. She also
shared that she met with nine different Metropolitan Planning Organizations
(MPOs) to discuss projects funded by the bill to reduce pollution.

The group provided
a presentation (Attachment A).
09:03:23 AM  
Mr. Harrelson continued
the presentation with an overview of the costs for the Floyd Hill Project.
Director Lew provided an update on a 10-year plan which includes a list
of projects funded by Senate Bill 21-260. She shared that CDOT hopes to
have most of the projects listed in the first four years started by the
beginning of 2022. She also indicated that money from Senate Bill 21-260
will hopfully fund the projects listed in the following six years.  

The panelists responded to questions from the committee.
09:13:48 AM  
Ms. White discussed
the potential greenhouse gas (GHG) rulemakings and the various MPOs involved.
She indicated that the department conducted nine public outreach meetings
statewide for input on the draft rule. The panelists shared that construction
costs are not expected to increase drastically as a result of new rulemakings,
rather, projects will have to be scoped differently because of the new
requirements to meet GHG reduction measures.

The panelists responded to questions from the committee.
09:28:53 AM  
Director Lew continued
the presentation with an update on the Glenwood Canyon repairs. She indicated
that the department estimates that the roadway will return to two lanes
by November of this year. She added that CDOT will mostly likely hire a
contractor to remove material in the Colorado River. Director Lew indicated
that the department requested that Cottonwood Pass be used as an alternate
route until Glenwood Canyon is adequately repaired.  

The panelists responded to questions from the committee.  

09:58:19 AM  
Committee discussion and questions ensued.
10:03:45 AM  
Mr. Harrelson discussed
CDOT's I-70 resiliency projects which include updates to the Eisenhower
and Johnson tunnels, as well as avalanche mitigation on Loveland Pass.
 Director Lew continued by discussing Multimodal Options funding and
Revitalizing Main Streets funding.

The panelists responded to questions from the committee.    

Division of Motor Vehicles Update - Committee Discussion Only

10:18:40 AM  
The committee took a brief recess.
10:40:06 AM  
The committee reconvened.
10:40:35 AM  
Mike Dixon, Executive
Director representing the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV), provided an
overview of the organizational structure and performance plan of the division,
as well as recent awards the division received. Mr. Dixon discussed the
division's wildly important goals and other performance measures, which
include increasing digital services and supporting underserved or underepresented
communities. He then discussed the DMV's efforts to serve Coloradans during
the COVID-19 pandemic, including increasing online services and appointment
availability. Mr. Dixon said that the DMV also installed self service kiosks
in 13 counties to allow Coloradans to conduct certain DMV transactions
outside of a DMV office. In addition, the DMV piloted DMV2GO, a mobile
program in various counties.  A presentation was provided (Attachment
11:01:11 AM  
Director Dixon continued
the presentation by providing updates on DMV call center changes. He talked
about a new marketing campaign and newly designed driver license to be
issued in January 2022. Director Dixon also discussed the DMV's DRIVE system
and efforts to make continuous improvements to the system. He also discussed
the Colorado Road and Community Safety Act, as well as the Colorado Digital

Director Dixon provided an update on 2021 legislation, including Senate
Bill 21-069, Senate Bill 20-011, House Bill 20-1071, and Senate Bill 21-076.
In addition, Director Dixon discussed upcoming license plate changes.

Director Dixon responded to questions from the committee.

Presentation from the Department of Public Safety - Committee Discussion Only

11:34:53 AM  
The committee recessed
for lunch.
12:36:25 PM  
The committee reconvened.
12:38:23 PM  
Robert Force, representing
the Colorado Auto Theft Prevention Authority (CATPA); Sergeants Josh Boden
and James Hirth, representing the Colorado State Patrol (CSP); and Captain
Mike Honn, representing the CSP, introduced themselves. Mr. Force provided
an overview of catalytic converter theft. He shared that Colorado is ranked
 number two for vehicle thefts nationwide. Mr. Force said that CATPA
is working to better understand why catalytic converter thefts continue
to increase. He stated that catalytic converters are easy to steal and
hard to identify or assign to a particular vehicle.

Mr. Force indicated that CATPA is working with groups, such as the International
Association of Auto Theft Investigators, and has developed recommendations
to curb catalytic converter theft. He went on to say that a few states
passed comprehensive laws to address catalytic converter theft.  However,
he indicated that Colorado does not have a law that addresses the enforcement
of catalytic converter theft. He recommended diff erentiating between general
auto theft and catalytic converter theft.  He provided a presentation
(Attachment C).

Mr. Force responded to questions from the committee.
01:14:23 PM  
Captain Mike Honn
continued the presentation by introducing Sergeants Josh Boden and James
Hirth. Sergeant Boden began the presentation by providing an overview on
the aging demographic in Colorado. He presented that Colorado has seen
a 55 percent increase in retirees over the last few years with fatal crashes
predominantly taking place among drives ages 50 to 59. Sergeant Boden said
that CSP encourages family members, friends, physicians, and others to
discuss driving safety with aging individuals.

The panelists responded to questions from the committee.

Hydrogen Development for ZEVs in Colorado - Committee Discussion Only

01:31:12 PM  
Brian DuBruine, representing
the Colorado Hydrogen Network, provided an overview of the hydrogen vehicle
market and his recommendations for how states should move forward to accommodate
the market. Jason Sekhon, representing Toyota North America, shared Toyota's
efforts to release and develop a line of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. He
shared that the vehicles hold about 5 kilograms of hydrogen. He indicated
that current challenges for releasing a larger line of the vehicles is
the need for hydrogen stations. Patricia Kelley, representing New Day Hydrogen
(NDH), provided an overview on NDH's fuel stations and their efforts to
bring fuel stations to Colorado.

Skyler McKinley, representing AAA Colorado, continued the presentation
with an overview of AAA's involvement in the development of hydrogen fuel
cell vehicles and the installation of hydrogen stations. He also encouraged
the committee to consider hydrogen fuel cell vehicle growth.

The panelists responded to questions from the committee related to the
feasibility of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in Colorado and general questions
about the mechanics of a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle.

The speakers provided presentations (Attachments D,E, and F).


Local Government Use of Federal Rescue Plan Funds - Committee Discussion Only

02:15:51 PM  
Eric Bergman, representing
Colorado Counties Inc (CCI), shared how members of CCI plan to use American
Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to address negative economic impacts, local
public health response, and broadband infrastructure. Kevin Bommer, representing
the Colorado Municipal League (CML), shared that $1.3 billion of ARPA dollars
were allotted to county governments and $817 million were allotted to municipal
governments. Meghan MacKillop, representing CML, shared that the organization
is working with municipalities to identify needs that may be supported
with ARPA funding.

Richard Orf, representing the Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado,
shared that Mesa County has relied on ARPA funding for county storm water
and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning projects. He said that Mesa
County used the largest portion of ARPA funding for early childhood education.
Mr. Orf stated that towns use the lost revenue function to determine areas
with the greatest need. He shared that Moffat County is deferring spending
money to learn how other counties are spending their funding.

provided a presentation (Attachment G).  

02:37:30 PM  
Councilman Devin
Shaff, Broomfield, discussed the challenges that local governments face
to enhance resiliency using ARPA funds. He shared that is is important
to partner with state and other local governments to ensure that APRA funding
is spent effectively.

The panelists responded to questions from the committee regarding criteria
to receive funds and methods to identify the most urgent project need.

North West Mayors and Commissioners Coalition - Committee Discussion Only

03:04:19 PM  
Mayor Clint Folsom,
representing the Town of Superior and the Northwest Mayors and Commissioners
Coalition (NMCC); and Mayor Sam Weaver, representing the City of Boulder
and NMCC, shared that the coalition was formed to obtain funding to reconstruct
US36. They also shared that recent projects include continued movement
toward rail in the northwest part of their region, as well as funding for
State Highways 119 and 7 in the area.  The presenters provided a presentation
(Attachment H).
03:07:00 PM  
Mayor Weaver continued
to discuss projects on Highways 7 and 119 and shared that the coalition
will recieve $53 million from the Highway Users Tax Fund. Mayor Weaver
also shared that the organization is eager to see the recommendations by
the Regional Transportation District Accountability Committee, as the coalition
is interested in rail development.

Interim Bill Draft Approvals - Committee Discussion Only

03:12:04 PM  
Bill Todd, representing
Bicycle Colorado, testified in support of Bill 2, Statewide Regulation
of Controlled Intersections.
03:13:21 PM  
Mr. Todd responded to questions from the committee.
03:17:34 PM  
Meghan MacKillop,
representing CML, testified against Bill 2. Ms. MacKillop responded to
questions from the committee.
03:21:00 PM  
Senator Scott provided
a potential bill for next session (Attachment I) regarding a court case
filed against CDOT.
03:23:00 PM  
Jery Payne, representing
the Office of Legislative Legal Services, provided an overview of the voting
process for interim committee bills.  

03:33:01 PM  
The committee took a brief recess.
03:35:02 PM  
The committee reconvened.
03:35:03 PM  
Representative Boesenecker
introduced Bill 1,  fluid milk product not divisible load.  Representative
Boesenecker provided an overview of the bill and the determination that
a load of fluid milk products hauled by a vehicle is not a divisible load
under the vehicle weight limits permitted by law.

03:39:06 PM
Motion Approve the Transportation Legislation Review Committee Bill 1, concerning the determination that a load of fluid milk products hauled by a vehicle is not a divisible load under the vehicle weight limits permitted by law, and send to the Legislative Council.
Moved Gray
Seconded Valdez D.
Boesenecker Yes
Catlin Yes
Coram Yes
Donovan Yes
Froelich Yes
Gray Yes
Hisey Yes
Hooton Yes
Pettersen Excused
Pico Yes
Rich Yes
Scott Yes
Sullivan Yes
Valdez D. Yes
Van Winkle Yes
Zenzinger Yes
Winter Excused
Exum Yes
YES: 16   NO: 0   EXC: 2   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
03:39:12 PM  
The committee chose
Senators Scott and Zenzginer and Representatives  Boesenecker and
Catlin to sponsor Bill 1. There was no objection to adding present roll-call
as co-sponsors. The committee approved the decision to start the bill in
the Senate.  
03:41:25 PM  
The committee agreed
that the Office of Legislative Legal Services has the authority to make
technical changes as needed.
03:44:06 PM  
Representative Gray
introduced Bill 2, concerning statewide regulation of persons approaching
controlled intersections who are not operating motor vehicles.  

03:47:43 PM
Motion Approve the Transportation Legislation Review Committee Bill 2, concerning statewide regulation of persons approaching controlled intersections who are not operating motor vehicles, and send to the Legislative Council.
Moved Gray
Seconded Hooton
Boesenecker Yes
Catlin No
Coram No
Donovan No
Froelich Yes
Gray Yes
Hisey Yes
Hooton Yes
Pettersen Excused
Pico No
Rich Yes
Scott Yes
Sullivan Yes
Valdez D. Yes
Van Winkle Yes
Zenzinger Yes
Winter Excused
Exum Yes
YES: 12   NO: 4   EXC: 2   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
03:47:49 PM  
The committee chose
Representatives Gray and Hooton and Senator Winter to sponsor Bill 2.  The
committee approved Representatives Boesnecker, Exum, Froelich, and Sullivan
as co-sponsors. The committee approved the decision to start the bill in
the House. The Office of Legislative Legal Services has the approval to
make technical changes.
03:49:36 PM  
Representative Exum,
Chair, confirmed the committee's decisions regarding bill sponsorship.
03:51:19 PM  
Representative Pico
introduced Resolution 1, concerning a request to conduct an analysis of
and possibly move forward on harmonizing the gross vehicle weight for trucks
on the interstate highway system in Colorado with that of other state highways

04:01:45 PM
Motion Approve Transportation Legislation Review Committee Resolution 1, concerning a request to conduct an analysis of and possibly move forward on harmonizing the gross vehicle weight for trucks on the interstate highway system in Colorado with that of other state highways, and send to the Legislative Council.
Moved Gray
Seconded Valdez D.
Boesenecker Yes
Catlin Yes
Coram Yes
Donovan Yes
Froelich Yes
Gray Yes
Hisey Yes
Hooton Yes
Pettersen Excused
Pico Yes
Rich Yes
Scott Yes
Sullivan Yes
Valdez D. Yes
Van Winkle Yes
Zenzinger Yes
Winter Excused
Exum Yes
YES: 16   NO: 0   EXC: 2   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
04:01:51 PM  
The committee chose
Representatives Pico and Rich and Senators Hisey and Zenzinger to sponsor
Resolution 1. The committee approved present roll-call as co-sponsors.
The committee approved the decision to start the resolution in the House.

04:04:58 PM   The committee adjourned.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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