i_sentencingreform_2017a_2017-08-23t09:14:40z2 Hearing Summary
Date: 08/23/2017
Location: RM 271
Problem-solving Courts
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10:48 AM -- Problem-solving Courts
Mr. Scanlon introduced Ms. Brenidy Rice, State Problem Solving Court Coordinator, Colorado Judicial Branch. Ms. Rice presented to the committee on problem-solving courts. She provided background on the development of problem-solving courts, and described the characteristics of such courts. Ms. Rice responded to a question concerning the status of the cases of offenders who participate in problem-solving courts, and the procedures used for offenders prior to entering problem-solving courts. Ms. Rice continued her presentation by describing the processes observed in problem-solving courts, specifically highlighting an example involving a drug court.
10:58 AM
Ms. Rice continued her presentation by explaining the types of conditions placed on offenders participating in problem-solving courts. She discussed the non-adversarial nature of the court and the roles of the different participants with the court, and explained the sanctions and incentives used by such courts. In response to a question, Ms. Rice discussed the training received by problem-solving court judges. Ms. Rice continued her presentation by providing information on the increase in drug offenses in Colorado in 2013; she responded to questions concerning that data.
11:08 AM
Ms. Rice discussed the cost-effectiveness of problem-solving courts. She responded to a question concerning the offender population that participates in problem-solving courts, and studies concerning the effectiveness of problem-solving courts. Ms. Rice provided data related to problem-solving courts, including information on the number and location of courts (Attachment B), the offender population served, drugs of choice for offenders in drug court, the growth of problem-solving courts, and recidivism rates.
170823 AttachB.pdf
11:18 AM
Ms. Rice responded to questions concerning the different types of problem-solving courts and information sharing across judicial districts. Representative Weissman requested information concerning the number of participating offenders in each judicial district. Ms. Rice responded to a question concerning the resources available to problem-solving courts and the opportunities for growing problem-solving courts. Representative Weissman commented on the connection between drug courts and the work of the Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Interim Study Committee. Ms. Rice commented.