i_sentencingreform_2017a_2017-08-09t09:04:26z6 Hearing Summary
Date: 08/09/2017
Location: SCR 357
CCJJ Task Force Community Corrections Recommendation
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03:00 PM -- CCJJ Community Corrections Task Force Recommendation on New Community Corrections Reentry Referral Process
Ms. Melissa Roberts, Parole Director, Department of Corrections, appeared before the committee. A copy of her presentation is appended as Attachment P. Ms. Roberts discussed the process by which offenders are placed in community corrections, including the difference for offenders who have committed a crime of violence. She further discussed the work of the CCJJ Community Corrections Task Force ("task force") and recommendations concerning those who have completed the community corrections program, but are not granted parole by the Parole Board.
170809 AttachP.pdf
03:11 PM
Ms. Roberts and the committee discussed recent legislation concerning the purposes of parole. Ms. Roberts continued to explain recommendations made by the task force.
Ms. Roberts, in response to a question, stated that the task force's work was complete, and that the task force was no longer in existence. She stated it was unlikely that the task force would be reformed. Ms. Roberts also responded to a question concerning local control of programs such as community corrections. In response to questions, Ms. Roberts stated that DOC voted in support of task force recommendations 1 and 3, and not in support of recommendation 2. Senator Kagan commented.