i_sentencingreform_2017a_2017-07-11t09:08:34z4 Hearing Summary
Date: 07/11/2017
Location: SCR 357
Overview of Colorado's Sentencing Scheme
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01:05 PM -- Overview of Colorado's Sentencing Scheme
The committee returned to order. Mr. Conrad Imel and Ms. Amanda Hayden, Legislative Council Staff, provided an overview of Colorado's sentencing scheme. Committee members received a memorandum providing the basis for the presentation, created by Legislative Council Staff (Attachment H). Mr. Imel walked the committee through the memorandum. Discussion ensued regarding disparate penalties based on the status of the victim, and adjustments for fines. Ms. Kerry White, Legislative Council Staff, provided input on this issue.
170711 AttachH.pdf
01:21 PM
Ms. Hayden discussed penalties for drug offenses, as found in Attachment H. Discussion ensued regarding the "wobbler" effect in sentencing and the role of habitual offenses in sentencing.