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i_gallagher_2018a_2018-08-17t09:20:00z1 Hearing Summary


Date Aug 17, 2018      
Location SCR 357

Committee Discussion on Gallagher Alternatives - Committee Discussion Only

09:23:46 AM  
Ed DeCecco, Office of Legislative Legal
Services, distributed two memos from Legislative Council Staff that detail
policy options for the committee to potentially address issues raised concerning
the Gallagher Amendment (Attachments A and B).  He made introductory
comments about the requirements to refer a legislative or constitutional
change to Colorado voters.  He responded to questions from the committee
including in which election year a referred measure could be considered.

09:35:08 AM  

Mr. DeCecco discussed the first proposal: to freeze the residential assessment rate.  He responded to questions from the committee. The committee discussed the merits of this option.

09:43:09 AM  

Chris Creighton, Legislative Council Staff, responded to questions from the committee regarding changes to the residential assessment rate.

09:46:54 AM  

Joann Groff, Property Tax Administrator, State of Colorado, responded to questions from the committee.

09:51:37 AM  

Mr. DeCecco responded to questions from the committee. Committee discussion continued.

10:05:01 AM  

Mr. DeCecco discussed the second proposal: reduce the residential and non-residential assessment rate and create a new class of property for homes in which the owner resides less than 200 days per year.  He responded to questions from the committee. Discussion ensued.

10:12:47 AM  

Mr. Creighton responded to comments from the committee.

10:19:19 AM  

Mr. DeCecco discussed the third proposal: to reclassify short term rentals such as AirBnB or Vacation Rentals By Owner as non-residential properties.

10:22:30 AM  

Ms. Groff responded to questions from the committee.

10:25:43 AM  

Mr. Creighton explained Map B in Attachment B that shows a potential assessed value increase across counties under the proposal.

10:28:59 AM  

Ms. Groff responded to questions from the committee. Discussion ensued.

10:34:15 AM  

Mr. DeCecco responded to questions from the committee.

10:44:36 AM  

Ms. Groff responded to questions from the committee. Discussion continued.

10:52:03 AM  

Mr. DeCecco discussed the fourth proposal: to give local governments the authority to raise mill levies.  He responded to questions from the committee.

11:00:32 AM  

Mr. DeCecco discussed the fifth proposal: to implement a four year assessment period.

11:03:02 AM  

Keith Erffmeyer, Denver Assessor, responded to questions from the committee regarding the logistics of a four year assessment period.

11:05:44 AM  

Ms. Groff responded to questions from the committee.  Committee discussion ensued.

11:12:25 AM  

Mr. Creighton explained Appendix C in Attachment B.  The appendix shows an estimated impact of a four-year assessment period.  Discussion continued.

11:17:51 AM  

Mr. DeCecco discussed the sixth proposal: to repeal the Gallagher amendment.  He responded to questions from the committee.  Committee discussion ensued.

11:33:03 AM  

Mr. DeCecco continued to respond to questions from the committee.  Discussion continued.

11:46:33 AM  

Mr. DeCecco clarified the difference between repealing the Gallagher Amendment and replacing the assessment rate in the state constitution with statutory assessment rate limits.

11:49:58 AM  

Mr. DeCecco explained the seventh proposal: to require a Constitutional amendment to allow regional calculations and adjustments to the residential assessment rate.  Committee discussion ensued.  Mr. DeCecco responded to questions from the committee.

11:51:06 AM  

Ms. Groff discussed Map D in Attachment B.  The map shows one possible regional organization of assessment rates.

11:56:52 AM  

The committee discussed the possibility of any other recommendations for possible legislative changes.  The members asked questions about the regional assessment rate proposal.

12:00:15 PM  

Mr. Creighton explained the process for committee bill requests for the meeting on Tuesday, August 21.

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