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i_coessacomm_2016a_2016-08-31t09:12:00z2 Hearing Summary

Date: 08/31/2016


Non-Academic Accountability Indicator


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01:08 PM -- Non-Academic Accountability Indicator

Representative Pettersen called the committee back to order. Julie Woods, representing the Education Commission of the States (ECS), introduced herself and her organization. She spoke about ECS's ESSA Quick Guides (Attachment E). She went over the handout (Attachment F) on the school quality or student success indicator. She discussed the requirements for the indicator, the weighting of indicators, and how this indicator might vary by grade span. She discussed proposed regulations surrounding the indicator. She listed several suggestions in ESSA for this indicator, including student engagement, educator engagement, access to/completion of advanced coursework, postsecondary readiness, or school climate and safety. Ms. Woods responded to questions from the committee and continued discussing other possibilities for the non-academic indicator. She described examples from Connecticut and California and discussed key considerations for selecting a non-academic indicator, such as measurement, data collection, comparisons, differentiation, equity, weight, unintended consequences, and research on soft skills indicators. Ms. Woods responded to questions from the committee.

Attachment E.pdfAttachment E.pdfAttachment F.pdfAttachment F.pdf

01:22 PM

Elliott Asp, Senior Fellow at Achieve, introduced himself and his organization. He spoke about ESSA in general, the state's goals for its students, and the new law's themes of equity and innovation. He described the goals of the non-academic indicator, how it could support the goals of the broader accountability system and provide more information about the quality of individual schools. He pointed out certain considerations when choosing a non-academic indicator for the state. Dr. Asp responded to questions from the committee and continued discussing considerations when choosing a non-academic indicator. He described Colorado examples, such as measuring opportunities to learn by measuring participation in concurrent enrollment, advanced placement, and career and technical education (CTE) certificates; teacher surveys; school climate surveys; parent satisfaction surveys; student engagement indexes; postsecondary success via matriculation and remediation reports; and school quality reviews. Dr. Asp responded to questions and offered suggestions to the committee. He described the Student-Centered Accountability Project, which measures meaningful learning, professional capacity and culture, and resources. He responded to additional questions from the committee.

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