h_phc_2016a_2016-03-15t13:32:45z2 Hearing Summary
Date: 03/15/2016
BILL SUMMARY for Presentation by the CDPHE on the Zika virus
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01:51 PM -- Presentation by the CDPHE on the Zika virus
Dr. Jennifer House, State Public Health Veterinarian, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), presented on the Zika virus. She distributed a handout to the committee (Attachment D). She described the properties of the virus and where the virus has been detected. She talked about the outbreak and spread of the virus around the world.
160315 AttachD.pdf
01:55 PM
Dr. House discussed the disease in the United States. She described the symptoms of the disease and the mosquito vector and where they are found in the U.S. She talked about the presence of the disease in Colorado.
01:59 PM
Dr. House discussed the transmission of the virus, including fetal transmission, sexual transmission, and through blood transfusions. She noted that there is limited information on the Zika virus. She talked about the current scientific evidence regarding microcephaly.
02:02 PM
Dr. House discussed the CDPHE's response and resources regarding the virus.
02:03 PM
Dr. House responded to questions from the committee on microcephaly survival rate, similar viruses, and blood donations.