Date Apr 18, 2019
Location SCR 352
SB19-247 - Lay Over
07:02:48 PM |
Senator Story, sponsor, presented Senate Bill 19-247, which concerns changes to the existing requirements that pertain to licensed personnel performance evaluation systems in the public schools, and creates a working group to make recommendations concerning the implementation of licensed personnel performance evaluation systems.
07:09:19 PM |
Mary Jo Abbott, representing herself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.
07:13:54 PM |
Debbie Bacon, representing herself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.
07:17:23 PM |
Patricia Little, representing herself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.
07:20:24 PM |
Ami Prichard, representing herself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.
07:26:47 PM |
Riley Kitts, representing the Colorado Children's Campaign, read written testimony from teacher Mark Sass in opposition to the bill.
07:30:38 PM |
Leslie Colwell, representing the Colorado Children's Campaign, spoke in opposition to the bill.
07:35:38 PM |
Kelly Caufield, representing Colorado Succeeds, spoke in opposition to the bill.
07:39:17 PM |
The panel of witnesses answered questions from the committee.
07:40:11 PM |
Paula Dickerson, representing herself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.
07:43:44 PM |
Shawna Fritzler, representing Support Jeffco Kids, spoke in support of the bill.
07:48:38 PM |
Kimberly Douglass, representing herself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.
07:55:45 PM |
Ang Anderson, representing herself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.
07:59:31 PM |
Chris Christoff, representing himself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.
08:09:52 PM |
Marty Gutierrez, representing himself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.
08:14:01 PM |
Bryan Lindstrom, representing the Aurora Education Association and himself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.
08:18:12 PM |
Carolyn Wolfrum, representing herself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.
08:21:07 PM |
Kevin Vick read written testimony from Kallie Leyba, representing the American Federation of Teachers Colorado, in support of the bill.
08:26:53 PM |
Evie Hudak, representing the Colorado Parent Teacher Association, spoke in support of the bill.
08:28:43 PM |
Terry Martinez, representing himself as a retired principal, spoke in support of the bill.
08:32:40 PM |
Kendall Bolton, representing herself as a teacher, spoke in support of the bill.
08:36:11 PM |
John Ford, President of the Jefferson County Education Association, spoke in support of the bill.
08:40:07 PM |
Amie Baca-Oehlert, President of the Colorado Education Association, spoke in support of the bill.
08:47:17 PM |
Colleen O'Neil, Associate Commissioner of Educator Talent for the Colorado Department of Education, came to the table to answer questions from the committee.
09:01:39 PM |
Senator Story gave closing comments on
the bill. Senator Todd laid the bill over for action only to a later