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A0A2BE7CBC1E437D87258505006155A7 Hearing Summary


Date Feb 5, 2020      
Location HCR 0112

HB20-1092 - Referred to House Appropriations

10:43:12 AM  

Representative Will and Representative Caraveo,  bill sponsors, introduced House Bill 20-1092. The bill requires the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) to reimburse federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) for providing telemedicine and clinical pharmacy services to Medicaid clients.  HCPF is required to promulgate rules to implement the bill.

Under current law, telemedicine is a service that some providers can bill to Medicaid.  However, for FQHCs, HCPF defines a payable encounter as requiring an in-person face-to-face visit.  The bill establishes that telemedicine service meets the definition of a face-to-face encounter for FQHCs, and that the reimbursement rate for a telemedicine service must be at least the same rate as for a comparable in-person visit.

Colorado's Medicaid program does not currently cover services provided by clinical pharmacists at FQHCs.  While some FQHCs do offer clinical pharmacist services, these are typically grant funded.  The bill requires costs for services provided by clinical pharmacists through an FQHC to be reimbursed by Medicaid.

10:48:38 AM  

The bill sponsors responded to questions from the committee.

10:50:03 AM  

Polly Anderson, Colorado Community Health Network, testified in support of the bill. Dr. Brian Hill, Colorado Coalition for the Homeless, testified in support of the bill. Stephanie Einfield, Northwest Colorado Health, testified in support of the bill.

11:02:33 AM  

The witnesses responded to questions from the committee.

11:05:00 AM  

Dr. Gina Moore, Colorado Pharmacists Society and University of Colorado, testified about the bill. Dr. Joel Marrs, Denver Health, testified about the bill and distributed a handout to committee members (Attachment D). Dr. Emily Kosirog, Salud Family Health, testified about the bill and distributed a handout to committee members (Attachment E). Dr. Charlotte Ricchetti, Colorado Coalition for the Homeless, testified in support of the bill.

11:20:15 AM  

The witnesses responded to questions from the committee.

11:23:02 AM  

Jeanette Hensley, Colorado Senior Lobby, testified in support of the bill.

11:26:14 AM  

Nina Schwartz, Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, responded to questions from the committee.

11:28:14 AM  

Max Nardo, Legislative Council Staff, discussed potential cost savings in the fiscal note.

11:30:20 AM  

James Farmer, High Plains Community Health Center, testified in support of the bill.

11:34:36 AM  

Eric Neimeyer, High Plain Community Health Center, testified about the bill.

11:38:41 AM  

Mr. Neimeyer responded to questions from the committee.

11:42:10 AM  

Representative Caraveo responded to questions from the committee.

11:42:50 AM  

Representatives Will and Caraveo made closing remarks on the bill.

11:47:52 AM  

Committee members made closing remarks on the bill.

11:52:14 AM
Motion Refer House Bill 20-1092 to the Committee on Appropriations.
Moved Caraveo
Seconded Cutter
Caraveo Yes
Cutter Yes
Gonzales-Gutierrez Yes
Holtorf Yes
Jaquez Lewis Yes
Landgraf Yes
Larson Yes
Liston Yes
Mullica Yes
Pelton Yes
Young Yes
Michaelson Jenet Yes
Singer Yes
Final YES: 13   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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