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0FFC3B2B5D5E97E48725845C007628A3 Hearing Summary


Date Aug 20, 2019      
Location Old State Library

Parents, Students, Teachers Panel - Committee Discussion Only

03:31:02 PM  
Elena Asencio, representing herself, talked about her experience with lockdown drills and losing a friend to a shooting.
03:32:29 PM  
Tyler Miller, representing himself, expressed his opinion that preparedness drills and the presence of school resource officers make schools safer. He responded to questions from the committee.
03:40:55 PM  

Will Bales, father of Nick Bales, spoke about mental health crisis incidents and his son's suicide.

03:49:02 PM  

Lorena Limon, representing herself, spoke in Spanish about the treatment her children have faced in school due to their minority status and Mr. Cousins from Padres y Jovenes Unidos translated her story.

03:54:18 PM  

Randy Brown, representing himself, spoke about toxic school environments and Safe2Tell. He talked about humiliation creating violence. He expressed his opinion that taking away humiliation from kids will reduce violence.

03:57:55 PM  
The panel responded to questions from the committee.
04:05:56 PM  
Kasey Ellis, representing herself, spoke about her experience with the Columbine High School shooting and as an educator helping a student struggling with trauma. She lauded Cherry Creek Schools for its efforts to ensure that students are safe at school.
04:11:11 PM  

John Ford, representing himself, talked about his experience as a teacher and a father whose son said that he wanted to commit suicide. He spoke about a partnership with Sources of Strength.

04:16:20 PM  
Lucas Ketzer, representing RiseUp Community School, talked about building communities and cultural identities. He spoke about his students' experience with police contact.
04:20:17 PM  
Representative Michaelson Jenet made closing remarks. Representative Sirota brought up the issue of access to weapons. Senator Fields spoke about companies that attempt to profit on the fear caused by school violence. Senator Gonzales asked what it would cost to equip every school in Colorado with the proper ratio of adults to students.