09517B091D6FEF0887258315006D3809 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2018A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For INSTREAM FLOW WATER ACQUISITIONS PILOT PROCESSINTERIM COMMITTEE WATER RESOURCES REVIEW COMMITTEEDate Sep 27, 2018 Location HCR 0112 Instream Flow Water Acquisitions Pilot Process - Committee Discussion Only 01:54:50 PM The committee came back to order. 02:13:10 PM Anne Janicki, Transaction Specialist, Colorado Water Trust (CWT), introduced herself to the committee and discussed the request for water acquisitions pilot process. Her presentation can be found online here: http://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/committees/2017/2018_shorter_wrrc_presentation_1.pdf. The CWT complements the work of the state's instream flow program and restores flows to rivers. The Trust works within existing water law and partners with the CWCB. Ms. Janicki discussed the temporary instream flow loan statute authorized in 2003, and stated that the Trust has partnered with CWCB to secure 7 temporary instream flow loans. Ms. Janicki also discussed instream flow restoration tools, which can provide opportunities for water right owners to use their rights to sustain streams and fisheries during low flow times. 02:23:49 PM Ms. Janicki discussed the approval requirements for instream flow uses, including temporary instream flow leases. 02:26:51 PM Ms. Janicki discussed instream flow projects approved in 2018. 02:28:24 PM Linda Bassi, CWCB, discussed the pilot project process and the relationship with the Colorado Water Trust. She also discussed the CWCB's work with water districts to lease water for instream flow use.