Auto Theft Prevention Cash Fund
The automobile theft prevention board (board) awards grants to eligible entities for programs for theft prevention, enforcement, prosecution, or offender rehabilitation. The act specifies that the board may also award grants for programs to support victims of automobile theft and technology enhancement.
Money in the auto theft prevention cash fund (fund) is annually appropriated to the department of public safety (department) to implement the automobile theft prevention grant program. The fund consists of gifts, grants, and donations and any money credited to the fund from the collection of fees paid by certain automobile insurers to support the automobile theft prevention authority. The act specifies that the fund also consists of any money that the general assembly may appropriate or transfer to the fund.
The act requires the state treasurer to transfer $5 million from the general fund to the fund on July 1, 2023, to be used for the following purposes:
- Implementing a statewide program to increase awareness of automobile theft;
- Implementing programs to support victims of automobile theft;
- Additional overtime for law enforcement agencies;
- Implementing a dedicated automobile theft prosecution program;
- Enhancing and upgrading the automobile theft tracking and reporting system; or
- Any other direct or indirect costs associated with the implementation of the automobile theft prevention grant program.
APPROVED by Governor June 2, 2023
EFFECTIVE June 2, 2023
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)