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Committee on Legal Services

The Committee on Legal Services is the legislative oversight committee for the Office of Legislative Legal Services and oversees the review of executive branch agency rules among other legislative duties.


The Senate Judiciary Committee considers matters concerning civil and criminal proceedings, courts, judges, civil liberties, Colorado's constitution and statutes, the state's correctional system and prison facilities, homeland security, and juvenile justice.  In addition, the committee has legislative oversight responsibility for the Department of Corrections, the Department of Public Safety, the Department of Law, and the Judicial Branch.

Business, Labor, & Technology

The Senate Business, Labor, and Technology Committee considers matters concerning the regulation of professions and occupations, property and casualty insurance, unemployment insurance, health insurance, workers' compensation insurance, economic development, banks and financial institutions, real estate, labor, and technology. In addition, the committee has legislative oversight responsibility for the Department of Labor, the Department of Personnel and Administration, the Department of Regulatory Agencies, and the Office of Information Technology.

Local Government

Health and Human Services

Transportation & Energy

The House Transportation & Energy Comittee considers matters concerning motor vehicle law, traffic regulation, transportation funding, public infrastructure, and other subject areas related to the state transportation system.  In addition, the committee has legislative oversight responsibility for the Department of Transportation, the Public Utilities Commission, and the Colorado Energy Office.


The Senate Appropriations Committee conducts hearings on bills that change expenditures or revenues and affect the budget. The Committee typically reserves discussion for the fiscal impact of the bills. Many of the bills considered by the Committee have had hearings in other committees before being referred to Appropriations and for those bills that have previously had a hearing the Committee does not customarily take public testimony.

Legislative Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery

The committee is responsible for developing and updating a plan for the response by, and continuation of operations of, the General Assembly and the legislative service agencies in the event of an emergency epidemic or disaster and may also recommend legislation on this topic.

Joint Education and Joint Budget Committee

Public Health Care & Human Services

The House Public Health Care and Human Services Committee considers matters concerning state health care programs and social services.  The committee also has legislative oversight responsibility for the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing and the Department of Human Services.

Agriculture, Natural Resources, & Energy

The Senate Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Energy Committee generally considers matters concerning water, agriculture, wildlife, mineral development, renewal energy, energy conservation, electric utilities, and recreation.  In addition, the committee has legislative oversight responsibility for the departments of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and the Colorado Energy Office.

Legislative Council

The Legislative Council is the legislative oversight committee for the Legislative Council Staff, and is responsible for approving the Legislative Council Staff budget, approving written requests for interim study committees, reviewing legislation created by committees that meet during the legislative interim, and reviewing the ballot information booklet prepared by Legislative Council Staff.

Young and Beginning Farmers Interim Study Committee

The committee must examine how state and local policies can better assist aspiring farmers and ranchers in the early stages of their careers. The committee must examine the following issues relative to young and beginning famers: lack of land access; increasing the availability of credit and financial training; increasing business skill training; and increasing access to technical and financial resources to improve farm conservation measures.

Committee on Legal Services

Committee on Legal Services

Legislative Audit Committee

The Legislative Audit Committee (LAC) is a permanent standing committee comprised of four senators and four representatives with equal representation from the two major political parties. The Committee is responsible for reviewing and releasing audit reports and recommending special studies. The LAC also recommends an appointment for State Auditor to the leadership of the General Assembly every five years.

Sales and Use Tax Simplification Task Force

The task force will study sales and use tax simplification between the state and local governments, including home rule municipalities, to identify opportunities and challenges within existing fiscal frameworks to adopt innovative revenue-neutral solutions that do not require constitutional amendments or voter approval.

Legislative Council

Water Resources Review Committee

The committee studies the conservation, use, development, and financing of the water resources of Colorado for the general welfare of its inhabitants and to reviews and proposes water resources legislation. The committee also is responsible for holding public hearings on the draft Colorado State Water Plan and submitting a summary of the public's and committee's feedback on the plan to the Colorado Water Conservation Board.

Colorado Commission on Uniform State Laws

The Colorado Commission on Uniform State Laws (CCUSL) is charged with working with the Uniform Law Commission (ULC) to promote uniformity in state laws where uniformity may be deemed desirable and practicable. This is achieved by developing proposed uniform legislation through the ULC that can be adopted by the various state legislatures.

Legislative Interim Committee on School Finance

The committee must study various issues regarding school finance in Colorado. If you would like to be on the interested person's email list, please send name and email address to


The House Judiciary Committee considers matters concerning courts and judges, civil liberties, Colorado's constitution, revision of the Colorado Revised Statutes, the correctional system and prison facilities, juvenile justice, and homeland security.  The committee also has legislative oversight responsibility for the Department of Corrections, the Department of Law, the Department of Public Safety, and the Judicial Branch.

Wildfire Matters Review Committee

The committee studies wildfire prevention and mitigation.

State Veterans & Military Affairs Committee

Sentencing in the Criminal Justice System Interim Study Committee

The committee will: consider and evaluate the use of mandatory minimum sentences in Colorado; consider and evaluation the continued viability of extraordinary risk crimes; examine the current habitual offender scheme; and consider the development of 'Second Look legislation that would address long sentences where prison placement is no longer in the interest of public safety and does not further the interest of justice.


The 2024 Statewide Ballot Information Booklet is now online