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S_TRA_2024A 02/12/2024 01:31:03 PM Committee Summary

Date 02/12/2024
Exum *
Hansen X
Hinrichsen X
Pelton B. X
Simpson X
Cutter X
Priola X
Time 01:31:03 PM to 03:22:22 PM
Place SCR 352
This Meeting was called to order by Winter F.
This Report was prepared by Nina Forbes
Hearing Items Action Taken
SB24-065 Amended, referred to Senate Appropriations
SB24-105 Referred to the Committee of the Whole - Consent Calendar

SB24-065 - Amended, referred to Senate Appropriations

01:33:34 PM  
Senators Hansen and
Fields, co-prime sponsors, introduced and explained Senate Bill 24-065
Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving. The bill prohibits
adults from using a mobile electronic device while driving, with certain
exceptions, and adjusts the classification, fine amounts, and license points
for this offense.  
01:37:27 PM  
Glenn Davis, representing
the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), testified in support
of the bill. Colonel Matthew Packard, representing Colorado State Patrol,
testified in support of the bill.
01:44:46 PM  
The prior panel responded to questions from the committee.
01:48:02 PM  
Jon Sendor, representing themself, testified in support of the bill. Craig Towler, representing themself, testified in support of the bill. Dennis Haberstumpf, representing ABATE of Colorado, testified in support of the bill.
02:04:33 PM  
Triny Willerton, representing themself, testified in support of the bill. Gerald White, representing Bike Colorado Springs, testified in support of the bill. Retired Chief Dave Hayes, representing Colorado Association of the Chiefs of Police, testified in support of the bill.
02:11:51 PM  
Beverly Stables,
representing Colorado Municipal League, testified in support of the bill.
Scott O'Sullivan, representing Rider Justice, testified in support of the
bill. Gregg Reese, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.

02:18:45 PM  
Dan Jablan, representing Rocky Mountain Insurance Association, Colorado Academy of Emergency Physicians, testified in support of the bill. Susan Dane, representing Coloradans Organized for Responsible Driving, testified in support of the bill. Ken Bingenheimer, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
02:27:43 PM  
Rachel Baldwin, representing
themself, testified in support of the bill. Shelley Forney, representing
themself, testified in support of the bill. Former Senator Lois Court,
representing her former constituents, testified in support of the bill.
02:43:05 PM  
Michael Raber, representing Bike Jeffco, testified in support of the bill. Jennifer Smith, representing, testified in support of the bill. Joan Stang, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
02:56:48 PM  
Thomas O'Sullivan, representing Students for Safer Roads, testified in support of the bill. Julie Reiskin, representing Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition, testified in support of the bill.
03:01:40 PM  
Peter Piccolo, representing Bicycle Colorado, testified in support of the bill.
03:01:41 PM  
Written testimony is included as Attachment A.
03:10:09 PM  
Senators Hansen and
Fields explained Amendment L.001 (Attachment B).

03:10:13 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.001
Moved Hansen
Pelton B.
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection
03:10:20 PM  
Sponsors gave closing comments
03:17:04 PM  
Committee members gave closing comments.

03:19:54 PM
Motion Refer Senate Bill 24-065, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations.
Moved Hansen
Exum Yes
Hansen Yes
Hinrichsen Yes
Pelton B. Yes
Simpson Yes
Cutter Yes
Priola Yes
Final YES: 7   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

SB24-105 - Referred to the Committee of the Whole - Consent Calendar

03:19:58 PM  
Senator Hinrichsen, prime sponsor, introduced Senate Bill 24-105 Clarifying Environmental Response Surcharge. The bill clarifies when the environmental response surcharge is collected.

03:21:55 PM
Motion Refer Senate Bill 24-105 to the Committee of the Whole and with a recommendation that it be placed on the consent calendar.
Moved Pelton B.
Exum Yes
Hansen Yes
Hinrichsen Yes
Pelton B. Yes
Simpson Yes
Cutter Yes
Priola Yes
Final YES: 7   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

03:22:22 PM   The committee adjourned.

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