School Sales Exemptions
Report No. 2021-TE5
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyReport No. 2021-TE5
FY 2018-19 Staff Budget Briefing Summary
New Legislator Orientation Phase II: FY 2016-17 State Operating Budget Overview
Presented to the Joint Health Committee.
Final report to the Colorado General Assembly by the School Safety Committee. This committee was created by a resolution adopted by the Executive Committee of the Legislative Council during the 2019 legislative interim. The purpose of this committee was to study how violence at, and threats of...
Summary report for the Zero Waste and Recycling Interim Study Committee.
The Early Childhood and School Readiness Legislative Commission was created pursuant to Section 26-6.5-203, Colorado Revised Statutes. The purpose of this commission is to study issues related to early childhood and school readiness in order to improve the state’s early childhood policies.
Final report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Early Childhood and School Readiness Legislative Commission. The purpose of this commission is to study issues related to early childhood and school readiness in order to improve the state’s early childhood policies.
Summary report for the Legislative Oversight Committee Concerning the Treatment of Persons with Mental Health Disorders in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice System.
Final report to the General Assembly of the Early Childhood and School Readiness Legislative Commission. The purpose of this commission is to study issues related to early childhood and school readiness in order to improve the state’s early childhood policies.
This memorandum provides an overview of K-12 funding within the context of the state's operating budget. In December 2013, about $1.1 billion was transferred from the General Fund to the State Education Fund (SEF). The General Assembly has used some of this one-time money to set funding levels...
Publication of the Colorado Revised Statutes occurs several months following the end of each regular legislative session. Prior to such publication, the Office of Legislative Legal Services prepares the Digest of Bills and concurrent resolutions as required under section 2-3-504, C.R.S. The...
The Digest consists of summaries of all bills and concurrent resolutions enacted by the General Assembly at the preceding legislative session. The summaries include the dates upon which the Governor acted and the effective dates of the bills. The Digest also includes an alphabetical subject...