Zero Waste and Recycling Interim Study Committee Summary Report
Summary report for the Zero Waste and Recycling Interim Study Committee.
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblySummary report for the Zero Waste and Recycling Interim Study Committee.
The Legislative Council Staff’s Water Policy Handbook is intended to serve as a reference guide to Colorado's water policies and programs. The book is divided into three parts. Each part covers a different aspect of Colorado water law and policy.
Report No. 2023-TE4
The instream flow (ISF) program was created by legislation in 1973, which authorized the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) to appropriate or acquire water rights of natural streams and lakes to preserve the natural environment without diverting the water. The ISF program recognized the...
Colorado statute establishes the Legislative Council as a body of 18 Senators and Representatives with specific functions and responsibilities (Section 2-3-301, et seq., C.R.S.). Six senators are appointed, with the President of the Senate appointing the majority party members and the...
This memorandum memorializes the process for requesting and preparing greenhouse gas emissions reports (GHG reports) pursuant to Section 2-2-322.3, C.R.S., starting at the 2023 legislative session. It outlines the number of reports per session, the process for requesting reports, the...
This memorandum provides an overview of the process to fill vacancies in various elected offices at the federal, state, and local levels. A vacancy in an elected office occurs when an office holder resigns or dies during his or her elected term. A vacancy may also occur when an elected...
This committee was created pursuant to Article 1.9 of Title 18, Colorado Revised Statutes. The purpose of this committee is to oversee an advisory task force that studies and makes recommendations concerning the treatment of persons with mental health disorders who are involved in the criminal...
This committee was created pursuant to Section 43-2-145, C.R.S. The purpose of this committee is to give guidance and direction to the Colorado Department of Transportation on the development of the state transportation system, and to provide legislative oversight of and input into such...
This committee was created pursuant to Section 2-2-1305.5, Colorado Revised Statutes. The purpose of this committee is to review the COYAC's work and to recommend legislation regarding issues affecting...
The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details