Financing Public Schools FY 2023-24
This memorandum summarizes the primary funding changes for school finance that were enacted during the 2023 legislative sessions.
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyThis memorandum summarizes the primary funding changes for school finance that were enacted during the 2023 legislative sessions.
This memorandum provides information concerning Colorado’s severance tax structure and estimated effective severance tax rates, along with a comparison of effective rates for eight other western oil and gas producing states from 2017 to 2021.
Report No. 2019-TE2
Note: A more recent evaluation was issued in November 2023. Click HERE to access the November 2023 report.
Report No. 2019-TE25
Note: A more recent evaluation was issued in November 2023. Click HERE to access the...
Report No. 2023-TE16
Report No. 2023-TE15
Report No. 2022-TE11
Note: A more recent evaluation was issued in November 2023. Click HERE to access the November 2023 report.
Report No. 2023-TE17
This memorandum summarizes the primary funding changes for school finance that were enacted during the 2023 legislative sessions.
The attached document provides a summary of major legislation considered by the General Assembly pertaining to taxes and fiscal policy.
The Colorado General Assembly considered a number of bills during the 2017 legislative session regarding the administration of taxes, and state taxes and tax programs.
The General Assembly considered bills that modified the responsibilities of the Colorado Department of Revenue (DOR), clarified taxing requirements, and made changes to the tax remittance process.
During the 2019 legislative session, the General Assembly considered a number of bills regarding fiscal policy, taxes, and financial services.
During the 2017 legislative session, the General Assembly considered numerous measures on child welfare, domestic violence and crimes against children, the juvenile justice system, public school safety, and child care. The bills described in this document passed and became law, unless otherwise...
During the 2018 legislative session, the General Assembly considered measures related to child welfare and foster care, youth mental health and suicide prevention, child abuse prevention, the juvenile justice system, and other aspects of family law. The bills described in this document passed...
During the 2020 session, the General Assembly considered bills related to early childhood education; child welfare investigations; appropriating federal CARES Act funding; and other human services programs.
Report No. 2023-TE18
This memorandum provides an overview of all the statutory reports that are required to be sent to members of the Joint Business Committee in FY 2023‑24. Most of the reports can be found in the Required Reports Database...
Report No. 2023-TE19
Report No. 2019-TE5
Note: A more recent evaluation was issued in December 2023. Click HERE to access the December 2023 report.
Submitted herewith is the final report of the Hugh McKean Colorado Youth Advisory Council Review Committee. This committee was created pursuant to Section 2-2-1305.5, Colorado Revised Statutes. The purpose of this committee is to review the work of the Colorado Youth Advisory Council (COYAC) and...
Submitted herewith is the final report of the Child Welfare System Interim Study Committee. The committee was created pursuant to Interim Committee Request Letter 2023-01. The purpose of this committee is to take a holistic look at Colorado’s child welfare system to address the major factors...