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J_JTC_2023A 10/23/2023 09:09:17 AM Committee Summary

Date 10/23/2023
Baisley X
Hansen X
Parenti X
Weinberg E
Titone X
Priola X
Time 09:09:17 AM to 11:03:22 AM
Place SCR 352
This Meeting was called to order by Priola
This Report was prepared by Samantha Falco
Hearing Items Action Taken
Discussion with Department of Public Safety Committee Discussion Only
Discussion of Legislation Committee Discussion Only

09:09:20 AM

Manish Jani, Deputy Director, Natalie Mullis, Director, and Kevin Smith, IT manager, with Legislative Information Services (LIS) presented on updates for selecting a new email vendor. Mr. Jani gave information on the current process of changing the email enterprise system to a cloud based enterprise email system as well as the challenges that are included.

09:16:54 AM
Mr. Jani spoke about why the change is needed for the emails, accessibility concerns and requirements, transitioning to a new system, and deciding if the best move is between Microsoft 365 and Google Workplace Enterprises. Mr. Jani encouraged the legislators to make a recommendation in December and participate in giving feedback.

09:19:52 AM
The committee asked about the implications of switching email servers and having to use their entire workplace suite of products, criteria in evaluations, current licensing, and why aides are not considered staff. Questions continued regarding participating in user testing, connecting and forwarding to personal emails, transition to new system, side by side comparisons, and what other states are using.

09:42:57 AM
The committee continued to ask questions regarding executive branch using Google Suite products. Senator Baisley made comments on his preference and hesitation in exclusively using a product. Rep. Titone asked what will happen with Zoom when switching emails. Senator Hansen asked what the core issue is behind switching emails.

09:56:01 AM
Annabelle Tracy,
Senior Accessibility Analyst, gave a presentation to update the committee
on accessibility.

09:57:10 AM
Ms. Tracy's presentation included an introduction of accessibility and its importance, strategy and plan of action to make Colorado accessible, and progress towards accessibility.

10:16:59 AM
The committee asked
questions regarding accessibility. The committee thanked Ms. Tracy for
her work.

10:19:04 AM
The committee took a brief recess,

Discussion with Department of Public Safety - Committee Discussion Only

10:32:30 AM  
Joel Malecks, Legislative
Liaison, Kevin Klein, Director of Homeland Security and Emergency Management,
and Peter Bangas, Public Safety Communications Network Management, with
the Department of Public Safety gave an overview of the Digital Trunked
Radio System. Mr. Bangas gave continued with the overview of the system.
10:36:25 AM  
The committee asked
questions about low cost hacking tools being used to clone radios. Mr.
Malecka spoke about why this is important to the committee and Section
18-9-309(4), C.R.S. which might be a topic of legislation for the committee.
The committee asked questions regarding cloning equipment and interfering
with emergency services. Rep Titone asked questions regarding what potential
legislation might include.

10:49:17 AM
Motion Authorize the drafting of a bill to address the concerns discussed regarding Digital Trunked Radio Systems..
Moved Titone
Baisley Yes
Hansen Yes
Parenti Yes
Weinberg Excused
Titone Yes
Priola Yes
YES: 5   NO: 0   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
10:49:18 AM  
The committee decided the legislation will be drafted by the December meetings.
10:49:47 AM  
Vanessa Reilly, Legislative Council Staff, gave an update to the committee on IT Capital budget requests, and the December meetings.

Discussion of Legislation - Committee Discussion Only

10:53:38 AM  
Nicole Meyers, Office of Legislative Legal Services, gave an update on the previously requested bills being still in the drafting process.
10:55:16 AM  
Emil Haddoway, Colorado
Department of Transportation legislative liaison, and Michael McReynolds,
Office of Information Technology (OIT) legislative liaison, gave an update
as main stakehoders to the previously mentioned proposed legislation. The
committee asked questions regarding proceeding with drafting.
11:01:28 AM  
Rep. Parenti mentioned another topic of possible draft legislation regarding traffic incident reporting that may be addressed in a future meeting.

11:03:22 AM   The committee adjourned.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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