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J_JTC_2023A 08/28/2023 09:06:12 AM Committee Summary

Date 08/28/2023
Baisley *
Hansen *
Parenti X
Weinberg X
Titone X
Priola X
Time 09:06:12 AM to 02:54:14 PM
Place SCR 352
This Meeting was called to order by Priola
This Report was prepared by Vanessa Reilly
Hearing Items Action Taken
Office of the State Public Defender Committee Discussion Only
Office of the State Court Adminstrator Committee Discussion Only
Secretary of State Committee Discussion Only
Department of Public Health and Environment Committee Discussion Only
Department of Personnel and Administration Committee Discussion Only
Department of Corrections Committee Discussion Only
Department of Early Childhood Committee Discussion Only
Office of Information Technology Committee Discussion Only
Department of Transportation Committee Discussion Only
Broadband Panel Committee Discussion Only
Committee discussion Committee Discussion Only

Office of the State Public Defender - Committee Discussion Only

09:07:23 AM  
All meeting materials
can be found at the following webpage:

Kyle Hughes, Chief
Information Officer, and James Karbach, Director of Legislative Policy,
with the Office of the State Public Dfender gave a quarterly update on
their project Public Defense in the Digital Age.
09:10:09 AM  
The committee asked questions about artificial intelligence utilization, the impact of inflation on the project, potential of future requests, and which offices are being rolled out in the project.

Office of the State Court Adminstrator - Committee Discussion Only

09:18:57 AM  
Steven Vasconellos,
State Court Administrator, and Dave Killingsworth, Chief Information Officer,
gave an quarterly update on their Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SDWAN)
project, livestreaming, and upgrading information security.
09:26:51 AM  
The presentation
included plans for future budget requests. The committee asked questions
regarding the life cycle of technology that needs to be replaced, logistics
of the project, addressing the state's data needs, and working with the
Office of Information Technology.

Secretary of State - Committee Discussion Only

09:40:31 AM  
Alex Goddard, Director
of Government Affairs, Michael Whitehorn, Chief of Staff, Steve Bouey,
Campaign Finance and Lobbyist Manager, and Brad Lang, Crontroller &
Budget Director gave a quarterly update on their Money in Politics System
project. The panel informed the committee that their Request for Proposal
(RFP) was denied and has caused a setback in their procurement development.
09:43:26 AM  
The committee asked about the potential of forming a new timeline and noted the urgency of the project. The committee continued to ask questions about why the RFP might have fallen through, what resources are available from the secretary of state, the looming election next year, the potential of educating public officials.
09:50:33 AM  
The committee took a brief recess.

Department of Public Health and Environment - Committee Discussion Only

10:02:46 AM  
Erick Scheminske,
Chief Operating Officer, and Adam Wozniak, Air Pollution Control Division
Business Product Owner, with the Department of Public Health and Environment
(CDPHE) gave a quarterly update on the Stationary Sources Solution Modernization
and Vital Events System of Colorado (VESCO).

10:06:14 AM  
The committee asked questions on the availability of groups testing the stationary sources tool and the ability for a heat map.
10:19:53 AM  
Alex Quintana, State
Registrar and Director for Vital Records, and Grahame Dryden, Center for
Health and Environment Data Program Support Manager, gave an update on
the VESCO project. The quarterly update and presentation for the project
can be found with the information from the other project.

Department of Personnel and Administration - Committee Discussion Only

10:25:08 AM  
Sarah Clark, Payroll
Modernization Product Owner, and Bob Jaros, State Controller, gave an update
on the CORE and Payroll Modernization projects.

10:27:17 AM  
The committee asked about the tech debt being resolved with the completion of this project and the amount spent.
10:29:31 AM  
The presentation continued with an update on the payroll modernization project.
10:35:58 AM  
The committee asked questions on the data and being vendor specific, data security and costs strategies with vendors, and pay schedules.

Department of Corrections - Committee Discussion Only

10:48:13 AM  
Ed Caley, Interim Director, Business Innovation Group, and Ashley Clark, Director of Finance and Administration, with the Department of Corrections gave quarterly updates and a presentation on the DeCORuM and Modernizing Timekeeping and Scheduling Systems projects. The presentation started with an update on DeCORuM.
10:54:14 AM  
The committee asked questions on finding quality applicants and problems that have arisen since the last quarterly update.
10:55:34 AM  
The presentation continued with information on the modernizing timekeeping and scheduling systems. The committee asked questions regarding additional funds being needed for the project and staffing hindering projects.

Department of Early Childhood - Committee Discussion Only

11:28:55 AM  
Dawn Odean, Director
of Universal Preschool, Colleen Lynn, Director of Business Innovation,
Technology and Security Managements, and Jon Sibray, IT Director, Department
of Early Childhood at OIT presented for the Department of Early Childhood
presented on their Early Childhood Information Technology System.
11:36:26 AM  
The committee asked questions on data collected by demographics, when the data will be available to the legislature, updating the system in coming years, and the issues highlighted in the media around providers.
11:48:38 AM  
The presentation continued with information on the CDEC technology comprehensive analysis. The committee asked questions about why CDEC doesn't use record sharing rather than making families upload and pay to share birth certificates, test scoring information, and the early childhood data trust.

Office of Information Technology - Committee Discussion Only

12:18:43 PM  
Michael McReynolds,
legislative liaison, Brandy Reitter, Executive Director Colorado Broadband
Office (CBO), Tony Neal-Graves, Chief Information Officer, and Stephen
Petty, Director of Security Risk and Compliance, with the Office of Information
Technology (OIT) gave a presentation on their audit findings, Modernizing
Aging IT Systems project update, and an update from the CBO.
12:22:37 PM  
12:27:28 PM  
The committee asked questions on the OIT audit report, data storage, and data safety.
12:43:09 PM  
The presentation continued with information on project quarterly update and changing of funding allocation.
12:46:56 PM  
The committee asked questions if OIT needs a supplemental to reallocate funds for the project and changing to .gov domain.
12:51:39 PM  
The presentation
continued with an update from the CBO. The committee asked questions about
grant applications being denied, deifinition of "affordable"
as it relates to "affordable connectivity program", CDOT and
broadband expansion, and myColorado.
01:06:57 PM  
Mr. Neal-Graves gave closing remarks as the Chief Information Officer.
01:31:13 PM  
The committee thanked Mr. Neal-Graves for his service.

Department of Transportation - Committee Discussion Only

01:31:50 PM  
Herman Stockinger,
Deputy Director and Director of Policy, and Allie Axley, Intelligent Transportation
System (ITS) Branch Manager, with the Colorado Department of Transportation
(CDOT) gave a presentation on broadband to the committee.
01:35:55 PM  
The presentation
included an overview of CDOT and broadband, the ITS branch, fiber network,
and the proposed type of agreements for fiber: dark fiber lease, public
private partnership, and a proposed, simplified fee structure. The presentation
continued with fee structures development.
01:44:54 PM  
The committee asked
questions on Section 43-1-1204, C.R.S. and if it was completed on time
per statutory requirements, why the deadline has been missed by nearly
a year, and fiber lease rates common practice. The committee commented
on statute deadlines needing to be met. The committee continued to ask
questions on why transportation commission approval is needed, legal risk,
TABOR calculations and other impacts on the fee structure.

01:59:53 PM  
CDOT continued to answer questions from the committee on accessibility to underserved communities, how the funding would be distributed, and public-private partnerships.

Broadband Panel - Committee Discussion Only

02:10:28 PM  
Carrie Hackenberger, Executive Director, Colorado Telecommunications Association, Monica Aiken, Chief Counsel, Vairo Wireless, and John Saunders, Chief Busines Development Officer, SECOM, formed a broadband panel to discuss broadband in Colorado. The discussion covered topics such as fee structure, incurred fees, statutory provisions lapsed, CDOT applications, fair market value, set fee structure, and pending permit applications.
02:19:02 PM  
The discussion continued with information on struggles in rural areas, affordability working with CDOT. The committee asked questions on agencies lack of response, other options beyond fiber for internet access, state goals of connectivity, and grant money allocations. The committee asked for input on enterprising the broadband money and how the committee can take action.

Committee discussion - Committee Discussion Only

02:38:05 PM  
Nicole Meyers, Office of Legislative Legal Services, and Vanessa Reilly, Legislative Council Staff, discussed the rules that apply to the Joint Technology Committee bill draft request process.
02:39:42 PM  
The committee took a brief recess.
02:41:12 PM  
The committee reconvened to discuss potential bill ideas

02:48:24 PM
Motion Draft a bill to address broadband lease process issues regarding process and right of way access concerning broadband in the State of Colorado.
Moved Hansen
Baisley Yes
Hansen Yes
Parenti Yes
Weinberg Yes
Titone Yes
Priola Yes
YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
02:48:27 PM  
Ms. Meyers asked who the committee would want to be involved on the bill.

02:49:34 PM
Motion Draft a bill on the creation of the broadband enterprise as it relates to CDOT.
Moved Hansen
Baisley Yes
Hansen Yes
Parenti Yes
Weinberg Yes
Titone Yes
Priola Yes
YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
02:49:39 PM  
Vanessa Reilly asked the committee when they would like the bills drafted by and the committee decided to wait until the December meeting.

02:54:14 PM   The committee adjourned.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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