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J_CDC_2024A 12/17/2024 08:39:19 AM Committee Summary

Date 12/17/2024
Hinrichsen *
Lindsay *
Pelton B. X
Winter T. X
Mullica X
Story X
Time 08:39:19 AM to 03:42:23 PM
Place SCR 357
This Meeting was called to order by Story
This Report was prepared by Bo Pogue
Hearing Items Action Taken
Colorado School of Mines Committee Discussion Only
Department of Natural Resources Two Property Transaction Proposals Recommended
Colorado Community Colleges System Committee Discussion Only
Colorado Mesa University Approval of Cash List Amendment and Intercept Program Use
Western Colorado University Committee Discussion Only
Adams State University Committee Discussion Only
Fort Lewis College Committee Discussion Only
Department of Agriculture Committee Discussion Only
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs Committee Discussion Only
Colorado State University System Committee Discussion Only
Department of Transportation Committee Discussion Only

Colorado School of Mines - Committee Discussion Only

08:39:28 AM  
The committee was
called to order. A quorum was present. Paul Johnson, President, Colorado
School of Mines (CSM), presented CSM's FY 2025-26 capital construction
requests. President Johnson was joined by Kirsten Volpi, Executive Vice
President and COO, and Peter Han, Chief of Staff. President Johnson gave
an overview of the university's mission and impact. Ms. Volpi gave an overview
of the FY 25-26 capital requests. Ms. Volpi responded to questions regarding
boiler failure with respect to the Steam Infrastructure capital project,
and CSM's relationship with the U.S. Geological Survey in connection with
a capital project. CSM's presentation is included as Attachment A.

Department of Natural Resources - Two Property Transaction Proposals Recommended

09:04:48 AM  
Jeff Davis, Director,
Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) within the Department of Natural Resources
(DNR), presented the division's annual capital-related budget line items
for FY 2025-26. CPW's presentation is included as Attachment B. Handouts
for each line item are included as Attachments C and D. Mr. Davis was joined
by Justin Rutter, Chief Financial Officer for CPW, and Margaret Taylor,
Capital Development Program Manager for CPW. Mr. Davis outlined the division's
goals. Mr. Rutter and Ms. Taylor provided an overview of the Property Acquisitions
and Improvements line item. Mr. Rutter responded to questions regarding
the source of cash funds for the line items, and the process by which CPW
budgets for asset repairs. Discussion ensued regarding the division's process
for acquiring easements on properties, and property access under these
easements. Ms. Taylor responded to questions regarding aquatic nuisance
species, and a capital project associated with this issue. Discussion followed
regarding the issue.
09:36:45 AM  
Daphne Gervais, Director
of Legislative Affairs for DNR, presented two property transaction proposal,
starting with the Lake Pueblo State Park Kansas City Catholic Radio Fee
Title Acquisition.  She next provided an overview of the State Land
Board Consolidated Interests Multiuse Lease Renewal proposal. CDC staff
write-ups of the requests are included as Attachments E and F, respectively.
09:41:54 AM  
Senator Hinrichsen discussed the Lake Pueblo State Park property transaction proposal.

09:43:26 AM
Motion Recommend support for the fee title acquisition of the Kansas City Catholic Network property ($190,000 for 6.22 acres).
Moved Mullica
Hinrichsen Yes
Lindsay Yes
Pelton B. Yes
Winter T. Yes
Mullica Yes
Story Yes
YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

09:44:12 AM
Motion Recommend support for the lease renewal of 24 properties from the State Land Board for public access, and for Colorado Parks
and Wildlife to manage grazing rights, for a period of 10 years ($89,369 per year for 19,470 acres).
Moved Mullica
Hinrichsen Yes
Lindsay Yes
Pelton B. Yes
Winter T. Yes
Mullica Yes
Story Yes
YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
09:44:14 AM  
The committee recessed.
10:01:15 AM  
The committee returned
to order.

Colorado Community Colleges System - Committee Discussion Only

10:01:51 AM  
Joe Garcia, Chancellor,
Colorado Community College System (CCCS), discussed the system and its
programming, and the importance of capital funding to the system. CCCS'
presentation is included as Attachment G.
10:09:20 AM  
Lisa Jones, President,
Colorado Northwestern Community College (CNCC), presented the college's
FY 2025-26 capital request for the Weiss & Hefley Renovation. CNCC's
presentation is included as Attachment H. Dr. Jones was joined by James
Caldwell, Vice President of Business, and Nicolas LeFevre, Facilities Director.
Dr. Jones provided an overview of the project. Mr. Caldwell and Mr. LeFevre
responded to questions regarding the state of the systems to be replaced
under the project. Discussion ensued regarding the project. Mr. Caldwell
responded to questions regarding the potential for addressing the project's
needs through the controlled maintenance process.
10:22:00 AM  
Stephanie Fuji, President;
Cheryl Calhoun, Provost, Vice President  of Instruction, and Interim
Vice President of Finance; and Levi Schroder, Associate of Vice President
of Administrative Services, Arapahoe Community College (ACC), presented
ACC's FY 2025-26 capital request. ACC's presentation is included as Attachment
I. President Fuji provided an overview of the project. Discussion ensued
regarding the cost of the project, and alternative strategies for funding
the project.
10:38:39 AM  
Landon Pirius, President,
and Bryan Bryant, Vice President of Administrative Services, presented
the FY 2025-26 capital requests for Red Rocks Community College (RRCC).
President Pirius provided an overview of the Health Sciences, EMS, and
Fire Science Building request. RRCC's presentation is included as Attachment
10:47:58 AM  
Lance Bolton, President,
Pikes Peak State College (PPSC), presented the college's FY 2025-26 capital
request. President Bolton provided an overview of the FREE Complex, Phase
I project. PPSC's presentation is included as Attachment K.
10:53:15 AM  
Dr. Mordecai Brownlee, President, Dr. Bobby Pace, Vice President of Academic Success, and Tom Morrissey, Executive Director of Operations/Project Manager, Community College of Aurora, presented the college's FY 2025-26 capital request. Dr. Brownlee provided an overview of the Classroom Building 3rd Floor Renovation project.
10:58:10 AM  
Rosana Reyes, President,
Chad DeBono, Vice President of Administration and Enrollment Services,
and Sean Lirley, Director of Facilities Management, Lamar Community College
(LCC), presented the college's FY 2025-26 capital request.  President
Reyes provided an overview of the college, and of the Maintenance Building
Expansion project. LCC's presentation is included as Attachment L.

Chancellor Garcia
provided closing remarks on behalf of the Community College System.
11:07:18 AM  
The committee recessed.

Colorado Mesa University - Approval of Cash List Amendment and Intercept Program Use

11:22:49 AM  
The committee returned
to order.  John Marshall, President, Colorado Mesa University (CMU),
presented the university's FY 2025-26 capital construction requests. CMU's
presentation is included as Attachment M. President Marshall first provided
an overview of the university and campus trends. He next discussed two
two-year cash list projects, one of which needs to be approved, and both
of which need to be approved to use the Higher Education Bond Revenue Intercept
Program. CDC staff memos on these two projects are included as Attachment
N and Attachment O. President Marshall responded to questions about CMU's
geothermal infrastructure program.

11:40:12 AM
Motion Approve the new projects listed on the Colorado Mesa University two year projection of cash needed.
Moved Mullica
Hinrichsen Yes
Lindsay Yes
Pelton B. Yes
Winter T. Yes
Mullica Yes
Story Yes
YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

11:41:22 AM
Motion Approve the use of the intercept program for bonding of up to $80.0 million for the Colorado Mesa University Centennial Village Student Housing and Formation District Dining Hall projects.
Moved Mullica
Hinrichsen Yes
Lindsay Yes
Pelton B. Yes
Winter T. Yes
Mullica Yes
Story Yes
YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
11:41:24 AM  
The committee recessed.

Western Colorado University - Committee Discussion Only

01:16:11 PM  
The committee returned
to order.  Ian Higgins, Vice President for Vice President for Finance
and Administration, Western Colorado University (WCU), presented the university'
FY 2025-26 capital request. WCU's presentation is included as Attachment
P. Mr. Higgins provided an overview of the university, and discussed the
Leslie J. Savage Library capital renewal request. Mr. Higgins responded
to questions regarding the building to be remodeled under the project.

Adams State University - Committee Discussion Only

01:29:39 PM  
David Tandberg, President,
and Bruce DelTondo, Director of Construction Management, Adams State University
(ASU), presented the university's FY 2025-26 capital request. ASU's presentation
is included as Attachment Q. Dr. Tandberg discussed the university and
the community that hosts it, and also discussed the need to construct the
new Admissions Welcome Center. Mr. DelTondo discussed the details of the
project. Discussion ensued regarding capital construction needs at the
university, and the importance of buildings to the mission of an entity.

Fort Lewis College - Committee Discussion Only

01:48:36 PM  
Steve Schwartz, Interim
President, and Samantha Gallagher, Chief Financial Officer and Interim
Vice President of Finance and Administration, Fort Lewis College (FLC),
presented the college's FY 2025-26 capital request. FLC's presentation
is included as Attachment R. Mr. Schwartz updated the committee on some
previously funded projects. Mr. Schwartz next discussed the Southwest Campus
Renewal project. Mr. Schwartz responded to questions regarding certain
details of the project

Department of Agriculture - Committee Discussion Only

02:07:22 PM  
Andrea Wiesenmeyer,
General Manager, Colorado State Fair, and Scott Roalofs, Director of Operations,
Department of Agriculture (CDA), presented the department's FY 2025-26
capital request. CDA's presentation is included as Attachment S. Ms. Wiesenmeyer
discussed the Gate 5 Ticket Booths and Office Buildings capital request.
Ms. Wiesenmeyer responded to questions regarding certain security issues
experienced by the State Fair. Discussion ensued regarding the location
of the assets to be improved by the project.

Department of Military and Veterans Affairs - Committee Discussion Only

02:19:00 PM  
Nicolas Severn, Chief
Financial Officer, Parker White, Legislative Liaison, and Dominick Scarimbolo,
Construction Manager, Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA),
presented the department's FY 2025-26 capital construction request. DMVA's
presentation is included as Attachment T. Mr. White explained the structure
of the Colorado National Guard with respect to the overall military force
structure. Mr. Severn discussed the Field Artillery Readiness Center capital
request, and a resource swap with another state that impacts the project.
Mr. White responded to questions regarding "good will" that may
result from the arrangement with another state, and the planned location
of the new readiness center. Discussion ensued regarding the sources of
funding for the project.
02:43:26 PM  
The committee recessed.

Colorado State University System - Committee Discussion Only

02:54:31 PM  
The committee returned
to order.  Brendan Hanlon, Vice President for University Operations
and Chief Financial Officer, Colorado State University (CSU) Fort Collins,
Garrison Ortiz, Vice President for University Operations and Chief Financial
Officer, CSU Pueblo, and Henry Sobanet, Chief Financial Officer, CSU System,
presented the CSU FY 2025-26 capital requests. Mr. Sobanet provided opening
remarks. Mr. Hanlon discussed the Clark Building Renovation and Addition
and the San Luis Valley Potato Research and Storage Facility projects.
 Mr. Hanlon discussed cash funding that CSU has contributed to capital
projects in recent years, and provided an overview of the District Heating
Plant Sustainability Upgrade project. Finally, Mr. Hanlon discussed the
Veterinary Health and Education Center project, and some ongoing controlled
maintenance projects. Mr. Hanlon provided updates on previously funded
capital projects. Discussion ensued regarding the San Luis Valley Potato
Research and Storage Facility project and the District Heating Plant project.
CSU Fort Collins' presentation is included as Attachment U.
03:18:34 PM  
Mr. Ortiz provided
an overview of the CSU Pueblo campus and discussed some recently funded
capital projects on the campus. Discussion ensued regarding the Technology,
Education, and Engineering Building project on the CSU Pueblo campus.

Department of Transportation - Committee Discussion Only

03:26:11 PM  
Emily Haddaway, Legislative
Liaison, and Hope Wright, Real Estate Asset Manager, Department of Transportation
(CDOT), presented the department's FY 2025-26 capital request. CDOT's presentation
is included as Attachment V. Ms. Wright provided an overview of the Arriba
Rest Area Remodeling project, and discussed the rest area program in general.
Ms. Haddaway responded to questions regarding certain assets under the
control of the department, and the lack of rest area inventory along highways.

03:42:23 PM   The committee adjourned.

The Colorado Senate and House of Representatives will not convene on Monday, January 20, 2025 in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. day.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details