i_sentencingreform_2017a_2017-08-23t09:14:40z5 Hearing Summary
Date: 08/23/2017
Location: RM 271
Restitution Interests
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03:24 PM
The committee recessed.
03:45 PM -- Restitution Interest
The committee returned to order. Mr. Rob Lohman, Lifted from the Rut Intervention and Addiction Services, presented to the committee (Attachment F). Mr. Lohman discussed the purpose of charging interest on restitution, and the burden it places on those unable to pay restitution in sufficient amounts. He discussed his personal situation, which involves significant restitution payments.
170823 AttachF.pdf
03:55 PM
Mr. Lohman continued to describe his personal situation, including the amount of interest he will pay on owed restitution, and its effect on his life.
04:04 PM
Mr. Lohman responded to a question concerning the effect of restitution and interest payments on his ability to enter into financial agreements, such as loans. He stated that he was unsure of the effect on financial documents, such as a credit report, or the effect of ending his probation. In response to a question, Mr. Lohman discussed the circumstances concerning the offense he committed.
04:09 PM
Representative Lee opened the floor for public testimony. No one wished to testify.
04:09 PM
The committee adjourned.