Date Dec 18, 2019
Location SCR 357
Colorado Community College System - Committee Discussion Only
02:38:42 PM |
Joe Garcia, Chancellor, provided opening remarks about the community college system's FY 2020-21 capital construction requests. He discussed some recently funded capital projects, controlled maintenance, and the system's capital need. Mr. Garcia responded to questions regarding the resources required to serve the student populations at Colorado's community colleges, and the path from community colleges to four-year institutions. Discussion ensued regarding certain differences between two-year and four-year institutions.
02:53:04 PM |
Dr. Diana Doyle, President, and Dr. Belinda Aaron, Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services, Arapahoe Community College (ACC), presented the college's FY 2020-21 capital construction requests. Dr. Doyle briefed the committee on the Health Programs Integration and Annex Building Renovation project. Dr. Doyle responded to questions regarding the demand for healthcare-related programming at ACC, and the rate at which graduates of these programs remain in Colorado.
03:07:15 PM |
Dr. Betsy Oudenhoven, President, and George "Skip" Noe, Vice President of Administration/Chief Financial Officer, Community College of Aurora (CCA), presented CCA's FY 2020-21 capital requests. Dr. Oudenhoven discussed some recently funded capital projects at CCA, and provided an overview of the college's Diesel and Support Services Building project. She then discussed a CCA controlled maintenance project. Mr. Noe and Dr. Oudenhoven responded to questions regarding the programming to be conducted in the new Diesel and Support Services Building, and demand for these programs.
03:25:18 PM |
Dr. Everette Freeman, President, and Mike Miller, Deputy CFO, Community College of Denver (CCD), presented the college's FY 2020-21 capital requests. Dr. Everette discussed the Boulder Creek Building Remodel and Addition. Dr. Freeman and Mr. Miller responded to questions regarding the impact of the Boulder Creek project on the constituent institutions on the Auraria Higher Education campus. Dr. Freeman discussed problems CCD students are having travelling between its two campuses, and the phasing of the Boulder Creek project.
03:37:47 PM |
Chad DeBono, Vice President of Administrative Services/Institutional Effectiveness, Lamar Community College, presented the college's FY 2020-21 request. Mr. DeBono provided an overview of the Freudenthal Library Renovation project.
03:43:01 PM |
Jay Lee, President, Northeastern Junior College, presented the college's FY 2020-21 capital construction request. He provided an overview of the Physical Plant Consolidation project. Mr. Lee responded to questions regarding the project's scope.
03:49:20 PM |
Duane Risse, Vice President for Administrative Services, Pikes Peak Community College, presented the college's FY 2020-21 capital request, the FREE Complex.
03:52:34 PM |
Robert Gonzales, Chief Business Officer, and Mr. Joe Waneka, Director of Facility Services, both representing Pueblo Community College, presented the college's FY 2020-21 project, the Health Science Consolidation project.
03:57:21 PM |
Lorrie Velasquez, Vice President of Administrative Services, and Al Malespini, Facilities Director, Trinidad State Junior College, presented the FY 2020-21 capital request for the Fourth Floor Remodel, Berg Building project. Mr. Malespini discussed some deficiencies with the building in its current state, and the facility condition index of the building.