Date Apr 27, 2021
Location HCR 0107
SB21-064 - Committee Discussion Only
01:36:23 PM |
The committee was called to order. A quorum was present. Representative Mullica, prime sponsor, presented Senate Bill 21-064, concerning criminalizing retaliation against an elected offical. Representative Mullica explained the effect of the bill and discussed its need. Representative Mullica responded to questions regarding what constitutes harassment of an elected official under the bill, and the scope of the bill in terms of which elected officials are covered. Discussion ensued regarding charges levied and penalties assessed under the bill.
02:02:56 PM |
Steve O'Dorisio, representing the Adams County Board of County Commissioners, testified in support of SB 21-064. Commissioner O'Dorisio responded to questions regarding harassment he experienced, and how the bill may have impacted this case. Commissioner O'Dorisio responded to further questions regarding potential abuses of the bill, and what constitutes criminal harassment under the bill. Discussion ensued regarding the element of intent in harassment laws. Commissioner O'Dorisio responded to questions regarding a fact pattern that would invoke certain language in the bill. Discussion ensued on this point.
02:23:46 PM |
Discussion ensued regarding potential amendments to SB 21-064, first amendment jurisprudence, and harassment of elected officials generally. The chair laid over SB 21-064.