Legal Services
Legal Services
Legislative Council
Legislative Council
Local Government
Local Government
Legislative Council
Legislative Council
Transportation & Energy
Statutory Revision Committee
The Statutory Revision Committee makes an ongoing examination of the statutes of the state and current judicial decisions for the purpose of discovering defects and anachronisms in the law and recommending needed reforms.
Public Health Care & Human Services
Joint Budget Committee
The Joint Budget Committee (JBC) is charged with studying the management, operations, programs, and fiscal needs of the agencies and institutions of Colorado state government. Throughout the year, the JBC holds a number of meetings and considers a range of documents to help prepare budget recommendations for the General Assembly.
Committee on Legal Services
The Committee on Legal Services is the legislative oversight committee for the Office of Legislative Legal Services and oversees the review of executive branch agency rules among other legislative duties. For more information about the Committee on Legal Services, visit .
State, Veterans, & Military Affairs
Business Affairs and Labor
Business, Labor, & Technology
Agriculture, Natural Resources, & Energy
The Senate Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Energy Committee generally considers matters concerning water, agriculture, wildlife, mineral development, renewal energy, energy conservation, electric utilities, and recreation. In addition, the committee has legislative oversight responsibility for the departments of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and the Colorado Energy Office.
The Senate Transportation Committee considers matters concerning motor vehicle law, traffic regulation, transportation funding, public infrastructure, and other subject areas related to the state transportation system. In addition, the committee has legislative oversight responsibility for the Department of Transportation and the Public Utilities Commission.