Department of State Annual Performance Report for Fiscal 2015-16
Presented to the Joint State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee at its December 16, 2016, meeting.
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyPresented to the Joint State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee at its December 16, 2016, meeting.
Presented to the Joint State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee at is December 16, 2016, meeting.
Presented to the Joint State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee at its December 16, 2016, meeting.
Presented to the State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee at its December 16, 2016, meeting.
Presented to the Joint Finance Committee at its January 5, 2017, meeting.
Presented to the Joint Finance Committee on January 5, 2017, meeting.
Presented to the Joint Finance Committee at its January 5, 2017, meeting.
Submitted herewith, pursuant to House Bill 16-1031, is a research study of changes to the Colorado Transportation Commission districts since 1991. HB 16-1031, sponsored by Representative Terri Carver and Senator John Cooke, required the Legislative Council Staff, in cooperation with the Colorado...
Submitted herewith is the final report of the Transportation Legislation Review Committee (TLRC). This committee was created pursuant to Section 43-2-145, C.R.S. The purpose of this committee is to give guidance and direction to the Colorado Department of Transportation on the development of the...
Presented to the Select Committee on Energy and the Environment at its January 19, 2017, meeting.
Colorado's transportation system is primarily managed by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). Cities, counties, transit and transportation authorities, and the Public Utilities Commission have specific authority as well. The Transportation Commission provides direction to CDOT, a...
Colorado receives annual payments from tobacco manufacturers as part of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement. In April 2016, the state received $92.3 million. This memorandum presents the distribution of the 2016 payment and forecasts payments through 2019.
Where are we?
How did we get here?
This memorandum provides an overview of the recovery of damages for loss of use by rental vehicle companies and various state laws that prohibit or limit the recovery of these damages.
This memorandum provides information intended to aid in the evaluation of legislation that would create a new or alter an existing tax expenditure. State law defines a tax expenditure as a “tax provision that provides a gross or taxable income definition, deduction, exemption, credit, or rate...
A video presentation about Colorado property taxes and the Gallagher Amendment. It is anticipated that the residential assessment rate will be reduced for the first time in 14 years, impacting homeowners and the tax base of every local taxing jurisdiction in the state.
(10 minutes 49...
Public-private partnerships have become integral to developing infrastructure in Colorado and across the country. This issue brief describes public-private partnerships and summarizes public-private partnership law in Colorado.
Focus Colorado presents forecasts for the economy and state government revenue through FY 2018-19. Implications of the forecast for the state's General Fund budget and spending limit are described in the report's highlights and executive summary sections. The report is based on current law,...
Economic Outlook for the U.S. and Colorado
The ongoing expansion in the U.S. economy is fueld by consumer contributions.
This issue brief describes autonomous vehicles, discusses current federal and state policy regarding those vehicles, and notes future policy considerations.
This issue brief provides an overview of filing considerations for military service persons and tax breaks for military income.
Presented to the Joint Transportation Committee on December 22, 2016.
Presented to the Joint Transporation Committee at its December 22, 2016, meeting.
The final Residential Assessment Rate Study released by the Division of Property Taxation on April 17, 2017 estimates a residential assessment rate of 7.20 percent for 2017 and 2018. The General Assembly must pass a bill before this rate becomes law. Compared with the baseline forecast which...
The purchase of goods and services by most executive branch agencies in Colorado is generally governed by the state procurement code and rules (code and rules). The code and rules are designed to ensure the fair treatment of people seeking to do business with the state, to foster broad-based...