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J_JTC_2021A 03/18/2021 07:33:52 AM Committee Summary

Date 03/18/2021
Baisley *
Bernett X
Kolker X
Priola X
Titone X
Bridges X
Time 07:33:52 AM to 08:56:15 AM
Place SCR 352
This Meeting was called to order by Bridges
This Report was prepared by Andrea Denka
Hearing Items Action Taken
Consideration of OIT Statute Revision Bill Draft Introduce bill draft LLS NO. 21-0593.01 as a Joint Technology Committee bill.
Consideration of HCPF R-023 Operating Budget Request Committee Discussion Only

Consideration of OIT Statute Revision Bill Draft - Introduce bill draft LLS NO. 21-0593.01 as a Joint Technology Committee bill.

07:34:13 AM  
Luisa Altmann, Legislative
Council Staff, introduced the hearing agenda.  All meeting materials
can be found here:
07:36:16 AM  
Kate Sneed, representing
the Governor's Office of Information Technology (OIT), presented on the
OIT Statute Revision Bill Draft.  Ms. Sneed responded to questions
from the committee.
07:45:10 AM  
Nicole Myers, Office
of Legislative Legal Services, responded to questions from the committee.
07:47:01 AM  
Committee discussion
on the OIT Statute Revision Bill Draft ensued.

07:48:45 AM
Motion Introduce bill draft LLS NO. 21-0593.01 as a Joint Technology Committee bill.
Moved Titone
Baisley Yes
Bernett Yes
Kolker Yes
Priola Yes
Titone Yes
Bridges Yes
Final YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

07:48:48 AM
The committee decided
that Senators Bridges and Priola will be the prime bill sponsors in the
Senate with Senator Kolker being a co-sponsor.  The committee also
decided that Representatives Titone and Baisley will be the prime bill
sponsors in the House with Representative Bernett as a co-sponsor.

Consideration of HCPF R-023 Operating Budget Request - Committee Discussion Only

07:49:44 AM  
Ms. Altmann came
to the table to discuss the consideration of the Department of Health Care
Policy and Financing (HCPF) R-023 Operating Budget Request.  The Joint
Budget Committee referred this request to the JTC for review.

Kim Bimestefer, Executive Director of HCPF, presented on HCPF's R-023 Operating
Budget Request.  HCPF is requesting $7.5 million General Fund in FY
2021-22 and $2.1 million General Fund in FY 2022-23  to establish
an eligibility system, a claims processing and submission system, and a
data reporting system to serve all of the state's behavioral health programs.
08:01:56 AM  
Director Bimestefer,
Camille Harding, Division Director for Community Behaviroal Health at the
Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS), Parrish Steinbrecher, Health
Information Office Director of HCPF, and Chris Underwood, Deputy Chief
of State at HCPF, responded to questions from the committee about federal
fund matches, integration of this budget request with others from this
fiscal year, state healthcare systems and programs, the Office of Behavioral
Health, the Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS), and House Bill

Ms. Altmann came to the table to discuss the Office of Behavioral Health
in CDHS's FY 2021-22 IT capital budget request, and the status of IT capital
projects in the FY 2021-22 Long Bill.
08:53:47 AM  
Ms. Altmann discussed a future meeting date for the JTC.

08:56:15 AM   The committee adjourned.

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