j_cdc_2017a_2016-12-21t09:04:26z1 Hearing Summary
Date: 12/21/2016
Location: LSB B
Colorado State University Pueblo
Votes: View--> | Action Taken: |
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09:40 AM -- Colorado State University Pueblo
Mr. Karl Spiecker, Chief Financial Officer, CSU-Pueblo, presented the university's FY 2017-18 capital construction request: Psychology Building Renovation and Addition. Committee members received a packet of slides as background for the presentation (Attachment A). Mr. Spiecker provided an overview of the Psychology Building project. Mr. Spiecker responded to questions regarding master planning and controlled maintenance efforts at the CSU-Pueblo campus, and facilities auditing. Dr. Frank responded to questions regarding prioritization of CSU System projects by the system and the Governor's Office of State Planning and Budgeting. Discussion ensued regarding how CSU-Pueblo has kept the Psychology Building serviceable while the university has repeatedly requested renovation funds over the last decade. Discussion followed regarding the importance of funding controlled maintenance to support the current state building inventory.
161221 AttachA.pdf
09:51 AM
Mr. Spiecker briefed the committee on CSU-Pueblo's FY 2017-18 controlled maintenance requests, and discussed certain capital projects supported by donor funds. Mr. Spiecker responded to questions regarding student fees applied to capital construction. Dr. Frank provided input on this issue from a system-wide perspective.